Season 5 Episode 17: Hard Lessons

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(Kelly walks in)

Hey Ronnie. Says Kelly

Kelly?... How did you get in here? Asked Ronnie

Dalvin let me in don't worry I won't stay long. Says Kelly

Okay. Says Ronnie

Um... Where's Tamika? Asked Kelly

She already left... She's at the label getting ready for the performance tomorrow night. Says Ronnie

Okay I'll just go there. Says Kelly

What do you wanna talk to her about? Asked Ronnie

About my daughter. Says Kelly

Chyna? What for? Asked Ronnie

I just feel like she hates me. Says Kelly

She doesn't hate you Kelly. Says Ronnie

I can't tell... Chyna barely talks to me anymore. Says Kelly

Well... Says Ronnie

Well what? C'mon tell me. Says Kelly

Well... Maybe you should be honest with her... Otherwise she'll keep on being silent towards you. Says Ronnie

What do you mean by that Ronnie? Asked Kelly

Kelly I think you know what I mean... It's about Chyna's Father. Says Ronnie

Look I'm not comfortable telling her who her father is. Says Kelly

Why not? Wait... Is he dead? Asked Ronnie

No he's not dead... Sadly he's very much alive but he walked out on us when Chyna was five years old. Says Kelly

How come? Asked Ronnie

Hell if I know... I don't want Chyna anywhere near that man. Says Kelly

Got it. Says Ronnie

Look I'll see you later I'm going to the label to see my cousin. Says Kelly

Alright. Says Ronnie

(Kelly walks away then out of the house when Dalvin walks in the living room holding baby JJ)

What was that about? Asked Dalvin

You know Kelly she's always trying to start some shit with Chyna & Tamika. Says Ronnie

I see... Dalvin

Yep. Says Ronnie


Hey there's my pretty niece. Says Yvette

Okay... What is it? Asked Briana

What? Asked Yvette

Yvette? Says Briana

You don't wanna hear this. Says Yvette

Hear what? Come on tell me auntie. Says Briana

Okay so... I spoke with your mother last night. Says Yvette

Oh... Okay... How is she? Asked Briana

She's doing fine... Shes kinda sad. Says Yvette

About what? Asked Briana

You know... She's sad that you don't talk to her or your father anymore hasn't this gone on long enough it's been five years since you last spoke or saw them. Says Yvette

Too bad... Maybe I would when they both change their ways. Says Briana

Briana just hear me out... You need to call your family for god sakes it's been years. Says Yvette

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