Season 5 Episode 19: Play Your Cards Right

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(Ronnie walks into the living where Nessa & Dalvin is at with baby JJ)

Morning. Says Ronnie

Hey unc. Says Dalvin

Hey Uncle Ronnie. Says Nessa

So what are y'all doing today? Asked Ronnie

Shit who cares because tomorrow is a big day for me & Chyna. Says Dalvin

That's right... It's y'all's birthday tomorrow. Says Ronnie

Yep I'll be 23 she'll be 21. Says Dalvin

And I'll be 25 in a few months... Says Nessa

Yeah but tomorrow is all about me & Chyna. Says Dalvin

Whatever boy. Says Nessa

Well I can't believe y'all are growing up so fast. Says Ronnie

So... Uncle Ronnie I hate to ask but... Says Nessa

You want me to watch JJ ? Asked Ronnie

(JJ makes baby noises)

Please. Says Nessa

Of course Nessa I love watching him. Says Ronnie

Thank you so much for keeping an eye on him. Says Nessa

No problem... Look... We're family Nessa & that's what we do to help each other out Nessa. Says Ronnie

Here's what you need for the day. Says Nessa

(Nessa hands JJ to Ronnie along with his bag)

Have fun boys. Says Nessa

We will. Says Ronnie

Let's go. Says Dalvin

Say bye bye mommy. Says Ronnie

Bye baby boy. Says Nessa

(Nessa & Dalvin walks away then walks out of the house)

Let's get this day started champ. Says Ronnie


(Brandon & Vanessa got done making out in bed)

What's wrong? Asked Vanessa

We shouldn't have done that. Says Brandon

Done what? Having sex? Asked Vanessa

Yeah... I feel guilty. Says Brandon

But you know it was right to do... We love each other. Says Vanessa

Yeah but I'm still dealing with a loss here... Tanya & I were married for almost eight years... We was lifetime partners. Says Brandon

I know you miss her... But she would want you to move forward. Says Vanessa

Guess you're right... You hungry? Asked Brandon

I can eat. Says Vanessa

Alright... Let's eat baby. Says Brandon

(Brandon gives Vanessa a kiss)


So it's gonna be a busy day... Nessa I need you back in the studio with Savannah working on your new song for the greatest hits album. Says Angela

Done... We're already working on it. Says Nessa

Good. Says Angela

So... Is it true that we only have two weeks until this tour starts? Asked Savannah

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