Season 6 Episode 26: Once and For All (Series Finale Part l)

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(Tamika is sitting down behind the desk)


We're gonna end you for good. Says Leon

That's What You Think. Says Tamika

What You Got? Asked Leon

We're not scared of you. Says Rayna

Let's see who will win the war... Dead... Or alive bitch. Says Tamika

Game On. Says Leon


(Kevin & Nessa walks in)

Mom. Says Nessa

Tamika. Says Kevin

Yes... Sorry. Says Tamika

Are you okay? Asked Nessa

Yeah I'm just thinking about tonight... This is the biggest night ever along with tomorrow. Says Tamika

Tell me about it we're trending right now all over on social media. Says Kevin

For real? Damn we're a hit. Says Nessa

Exactly... You doing alright you seemed a bit off. Says Kevin

Yeah there's a lot to get done before tonight. Says Tamika

Okay well I'm about to make JJ breakfast then we're going to the label. Says Nessa

I'll meet you there. Says Tamika

Okay. Says Nessa

Later Nessa. Says Kevin

Bye Kev. Says Nessa

(Nessa walks out of the office then close the door)

Okay tell me what's really going on. Says Kevin

I'm fine... Okay I'm bluffing shit. Says Tamika

I know now what is it? Asked Kevin

So remember I told you last week that we had an encounter with Leon & Rayna. Says Tamika

Yes... I do recall. Says Kevin

What am I gonna do? We can't have that video out for the whole world to see. Says Tamika

It won't... Nobody will see you spiking her drink. Says Kevin

I can't believe this rat bastard is actually trying to take me down. Says Tamika

Me neither... And he's working with Rayna? Didn't she have a protective order against him? Asked Kevin

Right that's what I'm saying... Who knows he probably promised her that she couldn't refuse. Says Tamika

That's some fucked up shit. Says Kevin

It is... Kevin... How can we end all of the drama for good? Asked Tamika

I have no idea... Says Kevin

That's all you got? Asked Tamika

I meant to say that... Whatever happens I'm here with you so... We'll do whatever it... We're not gonna let them win but us... You worked too damn hard to get where you're at now... We're gonna end this battle for good. Says Kevin

Just be sure our hands are clean afterwards. Says Tamika

Exactly. Says Kevin

Alright then... Let's end this for good before the showcase. Says Tamika

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