Season 6 Episode 3: The Nightmare Milestone (100th Episode)

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So... Are you gonna talk or stand there like a dumbass. Says Nessa

Now wait just one minute... I'm your grandmother you will show me some respect lady. Says Tammi

I will as soon as you tell me why you killed them. Says Nessa

Are you hearing yourself right now? I didn't set up that explosion. Why would I please give one reason. Says Tammi

Okay well I recalled that you abandoned Tania years ago. Says Nessa

Because she was hooked on drugs, got with this man & ended up pregnant when she was 13... That wasn't the girl that I've raised. Says Tammi

Okay and what about Ronnie? Asked Nessa

Look I'll admit that when Ronnie came into our lives I wasn't happy about it because his mother was the reason why your grandfather left me... But after a while I loved having him around. Says Tammi

So you really didn't kill them? Asked Nessa

Absolutely not... You can call me a bitch or whatever... But I ain't no murderer. Says Tammi

You may not be a murderer... But now you gotta pay the price of losing one of your daughters... Just stay out of my way. Says Nessa

(Tayveon walks towards them)

Hey Nessa. Says Tayveon

Yeah? Asked Nessa

JJ woke up... He's asking for you. Says Tayveon

Okay... Here I come. Says Nessa

(Nessa looks at Tammi up & down then walks away)

Nessa. Says Tammi

Leave me alone. Says Nessa

(Nessa & Tayveon walk upstairs while Tammi looks around speechless)


Okay Angela. Says Dalvin

What's up Dalvin? Asked Angela

I'm gonna be straight with you. Says Dalvin

Okay. Says Angela

Do we even have a career anymore? Asked Dalvin

Of course y'all do. Says Angela

You sure? Asked Bianka

Yeah because this covid shit basically took our freedom. Says Nikki

We get it... Look guys even though covid is still here you guys still have a career. Says Darius

Yeah but how are we supposed to make money if we can't perform? Asked Savannah

Right. Says Derek

Yeah because we can't be in the studios forever. Says Joseph

I may have an idea. Says Anthony

Which is what Anthony? Asked Angela

Can we speak in private? Asked Anthony

It's up to Angela. Says Tamika

Sure... Everyone this meeting is dismissed y'all will get an email within the next hour. Says Angela

Alright let's go y'all. Says Nessa

Let's Make Some Hits. Says Dalvin

(Derek, Nikki, Briana, Joseph, Savannah, Malik, Brian and Chyna walks out of the room)

Okay so do we need to be here for this? Asked Dalvin

You do because y'all both are vice presidents of this label. Says Angela

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