Season 5 Episode 9: The Unknown

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Okay y'all up next. Says Angela

How many clubs do y'all own? Asked Nikki

About Five All Together. Says Angela

Damn. Says Nikki

So you ready to do this? Asked Derek

Hell yeah... Question is can you keep up with a white chick like me? Asked Nikki

That depends... Can you keep up with a black nigga like me? Asked Derek

I think I can... Let's do this D. Says Nikki

Alright it's showtime make it hot. Says Angela

(Audience Applause)

(Nikki & Derek Performs "Heat")

(Two Minutes & Forty Seconds Later Performance Ends then Audience Applause)


Okay and please make sure that he does his work at school & please don't be late taking him there. Says Vanessa

I got it. Says Brandon

Thanks. Says Vanessa

Just be safe. Says Brandon

You still care? Must mean you still love me. Says Vanessa

But I'm not in love with you. Says Brandon

Don't lie... C'mon you can never get rid of me. Says Vanessa

As much as I hate to admit it you're right... But we're just friends... And co-parenting. Says Brandon 

Got it... Be Professional. Says Vanessa

Exactly... Have a safe trip. Says Brandon

I will... Thanks Brandon. Says Vanessa

Welcome. Says Brandon

(Vanessa walks out of the house)

She's something else man... Trent time to get up you have school. Says Brandon

(Brandon walks upstairs)


And that's all I have to say. Says Charles

So you basically want all of us to put out a greatest hits album? Asked Nessa

Yeah. Says Charles

It's not time for that yet... We still not even finished with our fifth album. Says Savannah

Well get it done so the greatest hits album can be out. Says Charles

This is some bullshit. Says Nessa

Charles what they're trying to say is that... They started working on the upcoming album with Cece before her death... They're still grieving can't you see that. Says Tamika

I can. Says Charles

Well don't rush it'll be done in time for the showcase. Says Tamika

I hope so.... And Dalvin. Says Charles

I know get in the studio & finish my new album. Says Dalvin

Smart Man... But Don't Be Sarcastic. Says Charles

I'm not. Says Dalvin

Good... Now the rest of y'all finish the albums, go to rehearsals & be ready for the showcase... In one month. Says Charles

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