Season 3 Ep 13: Ain't No Misunderstanding

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Alright so what's going on for this week? Asked Drevon

Well for starters... Says Tamika

Um mom where's Darius? Asked Dalvin

Yeah ain't his ass supposed to be here? Asked Cece

I hope he quit with his fake ass. Says Nessa

He didn't quit... He's out in Florida doing a meeting with the board down there. Says Marcus

Why? Asked Savannah

Because he wants gold records to expand which mean to become bigger. Says Tamika

Well at least he's doing something right for this fucking label. Says Trevon

Exactly. Says Nico

So we all gonna ignore the fact that shawna died unexpectedly... Like she didn't even work here. Says Nessa

I still can't believe I saw that. Says Drevon

Look shawna was and always will be a big part of gold records she was one of the best here... Along with Angela but we have to keep on moving. Says Tamika

Exactly & tomorrow morning I'll go & visit Kevin. Says Marcus

Okay. Says Nessa

So what do we gotta do? Asked Nico

Well while Briana, Chyna & Joseph out due to who knows what we need y'all three girls to perform tomorrow night at the believe music hall. Says Marcus

Okay done. Says Nessa

Yeah we can do that but we still agree that this will be out final album we're making together. Says Savannah

And we're going to announce it after we perform. Says Cece

Why? Asked Marcus

Right why the hell is this your final album I thought we went over this. Says Tamika

Oh shit here we go. Says Dalvin

It was you and dad agreeing we didn't so it's said & done mom. Says Nessa

Whatever. Says Tamika

Oh and dad have you heard from Jayden yet? Asked Nessa

No but later today we can go visit him... Have you talk to Tasha? Asked Marcus

Yes & she agrees to represent him he been in there for almost three weeks it's not right. Says Nessa

Don't worry he'll be out soon. Says Marcus

Or we can get James to let him go. Says Nico

Hell no he won't do that. Says Savannah

Why not? Asked Drevon

Because James hates Jayden. Says Cece

For? Asked Trevon

For getting in between him & Calvin. Says Nessa

Right... If it was my way I would put him six feet under. Says Savannah

Well damn. Says Dalvin

Alright let's get to work. Says Marcus

(Sasha walks in)

Hey y'all sorry I'm late. Says Sasha

Hey sasha how are you doing? Asked Tamika

Okay... Um I ran into somebody he says that he know y'all. Says Sasha

Let him in. Says Marcus

Okay... Come on in here. Says Sasha

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