the wedding

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a/n: I know, I've updated loads recently, I have no willpower once they're written I just want to post them. honestly thank you so much for reading.


You're far away from the music, had enough of dancing and mingling with people you don't really know. Sebastian had somehow known where to find you, two bottles of beer in his hand as he sat next to you. So close that your hips grazed, his elbow nudging you as he passed you a drink.

You sat in silence mostly, watching the water in front of you dance as it sprinkles. You lean your head on his shoulder and he doesn't move. He just lets you and you listen to the world around you.

There are birds somewhere in the wilderness around you, and horses beyond that. Behind you, there's a slight muffle to the music and you can't make out the words. Then, in the middle, there's you and Sebastian.

His cheeks rests on your crown now as he talks. "Do you wanna get married?"

"That's a really shit proposal, Seb."

"Funny. I mean, in general. In life. Somewhere in the future, can you see yourself getting married?" You can hear the shoes of a horse slamming against the ground beyond the line of trees behind the fountain as he talks.

"One day, maybe, yeah. If someone would have me."

"Why wouldn't anyone want you?"

"I do have my flaws, you know. Shocking, I know. But I'm only human. We all have them, don't we."

"Oh really? What's mine?" He asks and lifts his head.

You do the same even though you could have stayed leaning into him forever.

"Where do I start?! When you make instant coffee, you don't add milk before the hot water."

"Hmm, down to preference, but okay. What else?" Sebastian says with a laugh, swigging at his beer as he glances at you.

"That cable thing you do. When you tie it all together?" You say.

His tie is hanging around his neck, undone and trailing down towards his trousers. The top two buttons of his shirt are open and you can see his skin almost shine from the blue lights that skirt the fountain in front of you.

"My cable ties? You mean, keeping my cables together and in one place? Tidy! How is that a flaw?" He scoffs, shaking his head at you.

"Because it's too perfect. And I feel like I have to complete a daily challenge before I can use your charger." You say, remembering all the times on set where your battery would be running low. By the time you unravelled the cable, action was called.

"Then use your own God damn charger? I don't see how that's a flaw."

"It is."

"Hmm, not like when you've had the last beer but you don't bin the box."

"Yeah, because I wasn't going downstairs, so I'd wait until the next day and take it so the box doesn't clutter the room." You're about halfway through your bottle now, cheeks warm from smiling.


"No it's not."

"It is."


"Okay, then. You don't make the bed in the morning, that's a flaw." He laughs as he looks at you to gauge a reaction.

"You haven't seen my bed since filming, maybe I'm a changed woman."

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