Chapter 1

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You were in your room when suddenly your door came off the hinges "Mom what the hell?" You say and she shrugs and throws your door out the window onto the front lawn

"You don't deserve a door." She says as she walks off

You just put a curtain up so you have a bit of privacy again

Your mom honestly does this a lot she's so toxic, and your dad never comes over just to give money for you, but he doesn't come inside, which you never see that money again but you see your mom in fancy clothes and stuff, but you have been wearing the same stuff for years. That's unless your dad buys you something or lily like honestly your step mom is nicer to you then your own mother. Like at least lily doesn't hit you or scream at you

Honestly your shocked your dad dated her for a bit

*Can I just go and live with my dad? Mom says he doesn't want you only once a month that's all he can handle in seeing you, so I just never say how miserable I am* you think as you look at the calendar and smile tomorrow you go to stay with your dad before summer ends

And well all you have to wear is a white shirt and a hoodie with lots of holes and jeans that are completely ripped

But hey it's all you have since your mom ripped up all your mother clothes except your Hogwarts stuff

*I just wanna be an adult so I can move out and be away from my mother already but I'm 13 so I can't* you think as you just wanted summer to end so you can go to hogwarts and feel safe for once

But good thing since your going to your dads because your mom is going on a trip, and your glad to stay with them for a few weeks you just wanna stay there forever *Honestly I wish I could talk to Harry about this, we talk about everything but like my mom says no one cares*

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