Chapter 50

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When your dad got the letter he immediately came home and Lily was yelling at your dad about how could they let this happen for years!

"Look Camilla did stuff so we'd obviously never find out like not let us see her long enough to see how much she needed us, why do you think when I immediately saw something wrong I filed for more custody which worked I basically have full custody which I will be having soon Camilla is never seeing y/n again." Your dad says and you climb back up the stairs and walk into your room without being seen

You just go into your room and stay there until Fred came over to cheer you up

Which you had heard Lily mention to your dad how much Fred reminds her of your father when he was his age, the jokes, the pranks and the trying to make people laugh

Fred had also heard and when you both got to your room he smirks

"Ah so do you like me because of some sort of unresolved daddy issues and you like me because I remind you of your dad, because weird but ok." Fred says and you laugh as you wrap your arms around his neck

"No I don't have daddy issues maybe mommy issues." You say and Fred laughs as he picks you up and drops you on your bed making you gasp

"Well I'm gonna from now on make you always laugh." Fred says and you smile

"I love you so much." You say and Fred smiles widely after you said that

"I love you too y/n." Fred says as he kisses you and you kiss him back as he held you close in his arms 'I will protect her I won't ever do anything to hurt her I have to protect her she's been through enough that she didn't deserve to have happen to her.'

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