Chapter 23

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You were doing a assignment and it was a double assignment and you were assigned with Pansy

You were in the library trying to work on the assignment but Pansy hasn't said much

Harry and Fred scare you and you scream and slap Harry

"Ha Harry got slapped." George says appearing from behind Fred oh guess he scarred you as well

"Ha loser." Fred says and you laugh

"Hey guys where's Ron and Hermione? Snogging?" You joke and Fred and George laugh

"Ha like a girl would snog our brother when we exist." George says and you laugh

"Like a girl would snog you both when I exist." You say making everyone stop

"Wait what?" Fred says and Harry sighs

"My sister is bisexual guys she'd snog a girl or guy." Harry says and you nod

"Yeah true how did you all not know this about me? Like I don't hide it, when I came out to my dad, lily and Harry a few years ago I always say awww she's so cute or he's adorable, to make it known I'm bi I want a girlfriend or a boyfriend." You say and Fred nods

"That's cool." Fred says and you nod as you then tell them you need to work with Pansy now this assignment

Which pansy was much nicer and sat closer to you now

Which what you were confused what's going on with her? You don't understand what's going on with her? Like first she didn't care about you now she won't stop talking to you

*I am very confused about what's going on? Like what's up with Pansy? I don't know what's up with her, and why she's super close to me now and won't stop talking and touching my hand, I am very confused what is going on*

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