Chapter 24

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You were talking to Pansy about the assignment and Pansy just nodded

"Yeah sounds great y/n." She says and she's been less shy around you, maybe she's just a shy person you don't know, you don't know a thing about her other then she runs away from you ever since year two

You then say you have to go and Pansy nods as you walk off

|A few days later|

You kinda just ignored everything to do with the triwizard tournament

You knew other students from other schools were here

But you didn't care enough

Like you gotta keep your idiot brother out of trouble

So yeah this isn't at the top of your list as something cool to think about

Harry falls to the ground right next to you and you sigh

"Can I help you?" You ask looking down at him and he looks over

"I tripped." He says and you nod

"Yeah? Is that so? You tripped, sure your just a loser that's all." You say and Harry gets up and sighs

"Hey! I am not a loser if I'm a loser you're a loser we have the same dad." Harry says and you nod

"Ok so dads the loser and made two losers got it, I'm telling dad." You say and Harry sighs

"He's gonna laugh, maybe say how dare you say that about me." Harry says and you nod yeah dad is really only more serious with you, mostly because he knows something is going on with your home life at your moms

So he is more serious with you so you know he's there for you, and he's worried for you so you know he cares

Which your so confused still your mom says you're dad hates you

But he does everything that's opposite of hate, so you can't believe your mom anymore when she says your father hates you

*Why can't I just stay at my dads forever? I hate my mom I wish I never I never had to live with her*

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