Chapter 10

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When you finally get back to Hogwarts you were just happy to be free finally

You were so happy to be back in the Hufflepuff common room again, where you can read and just chill out

No needing to be scared that one noise you make could result in you getting attacked by your mom

Someone then says your brother is here to see you, so you look up and see Harry walking over and you smile "Hey Harry what's up?" You ask and Harry sits down beside you

"Wanted to hang out worth my amazing sister." Harry says and you nod

"Still not talking about what's upsetting me good try." You say and Harry sighs

"Fine! So what's up?" Harry asks and you sigh

"I said I'm not telling stop trying idiot." You say and Harry chuckles

"I hate how you know me too well and know what I'm doing or trying to do." Harry says and you nod

"Yeah so dad told you to try and get me to talk?" You ask and Harry nods

"Yeah dads worried for you." Harry says and you nod

"I'm fine I don't know why he's worried at all, honestly my life is fine." You say and Harry nods

*I know she's lying, she's sometimes come over with burns or bruises, she'd always say I hurt myself I was clumsy I bumped into the wall don't worry I'm good, she's obviously not good or well even I can see it and dad and my mom can as well, and we're all worried for her and wish she talked to us! I don't understand why she won't at least talk to me!? We talk to each other all the time and about everything, so why is she suddenly not talking to me about this?*

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