Chapter 12

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Harry runs over today with a present

"Here since we didn't see you on your birthday or the month of your birthday, here you go here's my gift but dad he's sending you your gift." Harry says and you take the gift and small

"Thanks Harry." You say as you open it to see a photo of you, your dad and Harry all together

Lily had taken the photo

You just smile

"Thanks Harry." You say and he smiles

"Of course no problem!" Harry says and you just hug him and he hugs you back "Anyways I hope you enjoy your gift y/n." Harry says and you nod

"I love it Harry thank you." You say and Harry smiles even wider as he hugs you tighter "Ah too tight!" You say and Harry releases you from his hug

"Oh sorry I just love you so much little sis." Harry says and you roll your eyes he's one month older! He can stop calling you little sis! He's always done this since he knew and understood what a younger sister is and it's so annoying!

"Your annoying." You say and Harry nods

"Yup only to my sister." He says and you roll your eyes again what an annoying brother like gosh are all older brothers are so annoying?

"I'm one month younger then you Harry! I'm not that little!" You say and Harry shrugs obviously not caring to him your always gonna be his little baby sister y/n and that will never change ever, no matter how annoying he is you'll forever be that baby sister of Harrys well to Harry

"Your so snort." Harry says and you gasp

"Wow you loser." You say and Harry laughs

"You are short." He says and you glare at him

*I swear are all brothers annoying?*

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