Chapter 37

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The day before the first trial you had gotten extremely sick and ended up having to go home to your dad's place 

Which when you are sick your dad gets extra annoying if that's actually possible

"Lily let me go back in I need to check up on her what if her soup is cold?" Your dad says outside the door, probably getting blocked by lily

"No James you checked on her 5 minutes ago I swear you better leave her alone to rest!" Lily says as she was probably dragging your dad away

Because his voice saying no I need to make sure my daughter is ok was getting quieter and quieter

But then you heard panicked feet running up the stairs and then Lily's voice yelling James!

You sigh and get up and open the door "Dad just come in." You say and he walks inside and closes it shutting it in Lily's face

"You ok? How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Oh, look at your bed a mess I'm redoing it get out of bed." Your dad says and you sigh and roll your eyes as you open your door to reveal lily

"I'm sorry you married him." You say to lily and your dad gasps shocked and in disbelief as lily laughs

"Thanks, I am stuck with him," Lily says as you chuckle but then start coughing as your dad then acts like your dying and starts worrying over you as if your dying right now. 

And lily just remakes your bed that James completely messed up worse than it was, it was only one blanket almost touching the floor, but no that's terrible and needs to be fixed completely 

"James after this you will leave y/n to rest, or else," Lily says and your dad looked shocked which what is or else?

"You monster." your dad say and you were confused about what was going on

"Yes, I would James," Lily says and your dad didn't seem happy and was now sad

"YOU CAN'T TAKE CUDDLING FROM ME," Dad said and oh wow so that's what or else is 

"I can and I will leave y/n alone ok?" lily says and you were trying to not laugh as your dad was glaring at lily

"Fine,"  he says in defeat which you don't believe he's gonna listen unless cuddles are extremely important to him

*Honestly why is my dad so weird honestly, how am I related to him?*

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