Chapter 31

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Pansy was with you as you were talking with Harry

But then Pansy asks Harry a question he doesn't like talking about

"So why are you alive?" Pansy says and Harry looked confused

"Because I have a heart? Because I was born?" Harry says and you mutter unfortunately and Harry looked shocked

"I mean your scar how did you survive from you know who, shouldn't you like be dead? I don't understand how you are alive and defeated him." Pansy asks as Fred walks over

"Oh yo how did you survive? Like I am starting to wonder, how did you not die that night? Maybe I'm too dumb to see what's extremely obvious or something." Fred says using you as an arm rest

You roll your eyes and Fred saw and just kept using you as one, like he usually does which is so annoying

"Well the day Voldemort came to kill my parents and me, well they went out on a date having an old friend stay and watch me, she sacrificed her life to save me and I somehow survived." Harry says and you hug him knowing it's hard for him to talk about that, he feels upset someone died protecting him someone who he never met, and can never met unless Harrys dies which doesn't seem he can die

"Oh wow." Fred says as you just hold Harry as he was obviously now upset

Harry leans his head on you and you rub his back

"Oh wow I see." Pansy says shocked as she didn't look like she liked Harry hugging you

Which Harry is your older brother, your annoying older brother who could wear the same shirt for days, well until lily notices and forces him to change

You don't know why she didn't look happy as you comfort your upset brother

*Me and Harry promised each other when we were kids, that we'd always be there for each other and I'm never gonna break that I'll always be there for my annoying brother*

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