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I don't think he expected such an answer, his eyes going wide in the moonlight before a smirk lifted the corner of his lips.

"You didn't even hesitate." He chuckled.

"Of course not, why would I hesitate?"

He shrugged. "I don't know."

"Well do you want to know me?" I asked. Maybe that was why he was teasing me.

"I do." He replied. "So far you seem to be a fairly interesting person."

"What makes you say that?"

He looked down at the water, smiling to himself. "Well...I've never known an alpha female."

That made me roll my eyes. "Oh yes, the alpha female. So, interesting." I mocked tuning away from him.

I was about to get up and walk away. I thought that he was just like all the other alphas and my hopes of him being different were wrong. But before I got a chance, he said something that struck me.

"That isn't the most interesting thing about you though." It made me turn back towards him, waiting for him to continue. He turned towards me, his expression serious. "I'd say the most interesting thing about you, is your story." I kept quiet, the only background sound the water moving below us. "Three younger brothers. All alphas. Yet you're the one true blood earned alpha of the Cyper pack. You step down voluntarily so your incredibly intelligent brother can take over. A mother who names her daughter after a crystal-clear lake, probably because of your eyes. No mate, and stronger than the majority of the alphas in your pack. Your story is very interesting."

I kept my eyes on his as he spoke, very surprised by the answer he gave. "That's a lot for someone I've only met twice."

He nodded. "Plus, I've seen you naked." He cracked, breaking the sudden tension.

It made me laugh, him chuckling along with me. "Liked what you saw?" I teased.

"Only men like my brother wouldn't like what I saw."

I laughed again; the tension now gone. There was a comfortable silence that fell between us giving us the opportunity to appreciate the water. The moonlight reflecting off of it giving an ambiance of calmness.

"Thank you." I said after a while. He turned to me, and I back at him. "Thank you for being interested in more than my alpha status. Or my body." I added making him chuckle.

"It's a shame more men don't take interest in the person you are. The focus on your status is only part of you."

"Same for you." I said. "You're not just a roaming alpha nomad with a brother."

"Right now, I am." He said. "I may have a history but the person I was is with the pack I left behind. Hoseok and I were eager to take your brother's offer when he did because we want to make names for ourselves. Family, a place to belong. A place to be ourselves. But now that we have this chance, we need to find who we are again."

"You must have some understanding of who you are." I said. "You have personality, intelligence, humor. You wouldn't be starting over."

"True." He smiled. "That's a good way to look at it."

"See. You're just growing in a different direction." I said turning to face him, bringing my legs up. I crossed them in front of me, and he turned more so that he was facing me. "Finding your true self is not a bad thing. But don't forget the person you are. We learn from our experiences. For example, when you severed yourself from a toxic pack. You grew from that, you bettered yourself. Keep that person alive and grow him into who you really are. You have the freedom here to do it."

She Wolf {Temporary Hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now