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Three months after the events of Tanjiro's alliance, he was completely oblivious to the fact that Shinobu had given birth to his first child. It was a beautiful baby boy with lush, fiery hair. Ruka has crawled around and the room, pleased with his ability of motion.

As Shinobu fed her 2-month-old child, tears flowed down her eyes. She had the privilege of birthing children of such a Paladin, yet he was unable to see how hard she worked. Days after she gave birth, she went back to Demon Slaying. Her mask was the same but nothing could hide the fact that she was hurting. 

But... what she didn't know is that divine consequences are upon her. Whether they be good or bad.

In a long lost field of Ble Dragon Lily's

"Ume-chan. If we do this, we can never go back." Doma said. "Are you with me?" He asked with a serious expression. "Yes!" "Okay, you get Tanjiro. Meet me at XXX. I'll retrieve my wife and my data."

"Ok. So what are we to do with the flowers?"

"Drink this. I stole some of Muzan's notes. This should shield us from the sun and make so we aren't dependent on blood." He answered, handing her a cup of white tea. "I dunno. Looks kinda sus."

"Just drink it."

They both swallowed the liquid. "That wasn't so bad..." She shrugged. She immediately began feeling slightly fatigued. " I feel so tired? We don't get tired..." She dosed. "Maybe it's a side effect. I guess that's how we recover our strength now. Can you stay awake a little longer?"

"Yeah, it was just shocking. I'm fine now. I'll go get Tanjiro-san. Meet me at his cell."

At the cells

"What is life... What is death... Is immortality just the illusion of a being in between both when in fact you've already died? I wonder if Muzan-teme is gonna operate on me. He hasn't done my stomach in a loooong time... Heh. Is that a butterfly? I don't know why but I like butterflies. They're so fragile but beautiful. Like... someone... who... I... can't remember..."

Suddenly Daki burst inside panting, "I am not... used to this..."

She composed herself and cleared her throat, "Tanjiro-san, time for you to leave." He stood up and had a deranged smile. "Good, cuz I'm beginning to crack. Muzan is out with his fake family for lunch so we have 3 hours to reach the Butterfly Mansion. I can feel my mind slipping, hurry and get me out of here." He groaned. "Yeah, yeah. I got your sword, too."

The cell door was unlocked and Tanjiro walked out. His unwashed uniform was surprisingly clean but dosed in blood. Seems as if the blood kept out the dirt. Lol.

He reclaimed his sword and clipped it to the back of his uniform like before. "Let's go, Daki-chan." He said depressingly. His personality is completely whacked.

They walked outside but were confronted by Gyutaro. "Ume! What Are you doing?"

"Brother... Coem with us. We can get rid of Muzan. We can be free from this... this slavery!" She cried. "Excuse me? You're letting this punk manipulate you? How disgusting. Now put him back in the cell before I have to kill you!"

"So, you're willing to kill me?"

"Of course! Because I don't need you! You're just a good host! Now put him in the cell!"

"Tanjiro-san... Give me the word and I'll do it." She sighed. "Ehe... heh... haha. Ahbahahahahah. bah hahaha! Well isn't this fun! Brother vs sister! This won't be entertaining but it will be bloody!" Tanjiro proclaimed. "Tanjiro..." "Kill him... Kill him now..."

Daki used her blinding speed to choke Gyutaro's head off. It rolled off his grasshopper-like body and onto the floor. "How did you-!" "Tanjiro-sama... do I really have to kill him?"

"Dew it."

She sighed and released a tear. "I'll see you in Avicii." She crushed his head under her foot. His silent scremans were a symphony to Tanjiro's ears. "Good... You'll make a fine demon slayer."

Doma came around the corner with a smirk on his face. "Yare yare. That was amusing. Well, time to bounce."

They were about to leave when Nakime, the former Upper Moon 4, now 3, appeared. "N-nakime... Listen to me." Doma started. She strummed her instrument and the doors opened to reveal that it was outside the Mansion. "Kill that bastard..." Is all she said.

"Consider it done."

They went through. For the first time in 9 months, Tanjiro smelt fresh air. No blood or other fluids. Just air. They walked a short distance to the gate where they saw a short, stout and blue-haired girl. "State your business." She ordered. "My name is Tanjiro Kamado." He answered. She looked closer. "Oh my god! Master, everyone! Come quick!"

A group of Slayers exited the room with their swords drawn. "What is it, Aoi-chan?" Asked Tengen. "He's back."


Tanjiro stalked up with his small crew. "Do you really think I'd die that easy?" Tanjiro joked. "By the gods... You're alive... Wait! Why and how!?"

"We can talk later. I'm about to collapse because I'm so tired. In three, two..."

His face planted. Doma chuckled

"Um, we're on your side now so don't kill us please."

Words 855

Posted 6/9/2021

Sorry it was shitty. needed to get this out today

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