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too many kooks, not enough money

too many kooks, not enough money

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FLOATING DOWN THE BANK, its waters still filled with dead fish heads and another nasty garbage, the HMS Pogue coasts along with the current.

Marty fans herself with her hands as the sun pelts down on the hot surface above her. She's currently tanning in a new suit that her mom had just bought her. A light blue two-piece with red floral detailing, and it came with a beach skirt.

Marty cranks her head back to squint at what Kiara was laughing at. Apparently, Pope tells good jokes when they aren't about dead people.

Kie is in a black bikini, with a top that's a little too snug for Martha's bisexual panic, sitting on the edge of the boat. Pope was standing right next to her, and John B laid back in his captain's chair. JJ was in front of Marty, being point-lookout.

But he is currently failing that task.

The beautiful girl in front of him has his eyes compelled. Not only does her body look terrific but he also couldn't tear away from the hickeys he gave her a few nights ago.

Her bruised neck is almost gone, but it is still discolored and still healing, constantly reminding her of that God-awful brunch. Not to mention, her wrist is visibly swollen and bruised from earlier.

"J," Marty remarks, startling the boy from his gaze.

"Hmm?" His eyes flicker down to look at them again, noticing that some rose-colored bruises were peeking out from the top of her bathing suit bottoms. He looks back up to her breasts and then her green eyes as she sits up to personally talk to him.

Marty smirks as she rubs her hand downwards to collect the sweat building on her neck and chest, knowing his faulty eyes are following her every movement. "Am I makin' you nervous?"

"You wish, McFly," he lies, licking his lips as his hair behinds to stick to the back of his neck. He turns his head, trying to look away, trying to control himself from displaying public affection.

But Martha won't let him get away with ogling her, not that easily.

His head snaps back as he feels her sit on his lap, so fast he might've just got whiplash. "Martha.. what are you— did the sun go to your head or somethin'?"

She clicks her tongue under her breath, only for JJ to hear. Wrapping her arms around his neck, her eyes flickering the green hues on his neck. They were enticing, not that she ever blames him. But teasing him in public is such a thrill.

"Your face is getting real hot, J," her smirk dropping to play the part of a worried mother. She pats his forehead with the back of her hand, his eyes glinting a new shade of dark blue as he feels her grind into him as she leans closer to his face. "You sure you're okay?"

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