12 | Jamie - Truth for truth?

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And the arms of the ocean are carrying me
And all this devotion was rushing over me
And the questions I have for a sinner like me
But the arms of the ocean deliver me

And the arms of the ocean are carrying meAnd all this devotion was rushing over meAnd the questions I have for a sinner like meBut the arms of the ocean deliver me

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


Why am I so warm?


I can't be in the dark.

I wasn't as uncomfortable as Iusually would be though. It was manageable today. That makes a change, I'm usually freaking out erratically by now.

I tried to sit up straight to try and see where I was but I couldn't. I was laid on my side with a tattooed arm holding me firmly in place.

Great, I obviously went home with someone last night.

I opened my eyes and tried to clear the fog clouding my eyes to be met with a room that looked oddly familiar. It kind of looked like my own room but the clock on the bed side table showed that it wasn't my own. My clock has green numbers, not red.

My head was pounding from the excessive amount of alcohol I drank last night. I was shocked when I couldn't taste the remnants of it in my mouth. All I seemed to be able to taste was blood. Did I get punched last night?

I rubbed my temple with my hand, willing my brain to remember the events of last night. The last clear line of events I have is kicking Harry out of my room, then feeling bad about it so I wrote him a note and snuck into his room to leave it.

I remember making it to a bar, seeing Niall with a girl, hearing the song Beauty and a Beat and then nothing. Absolutely nothing. I think I walked home but I'm not sure because I am definitely not in my own room.

I looked down at the tattooed arm around my waist. I could see an anchor tattoo and I instantly knew who was draped around me.


Somehow I ended up in Harry's bed.

He kissed me yesterday.

Oh, my god.

I kissed Harry yesterday.

It wasn't the worst feeling in the world. He had only done it to calm me down right? There's no way he kissed me because he likes me. No way. It was as if the realisation mde something click in my brain because I then remember him holding my hand and telling me not to overthink it.

Upon realising it was Harry that was the reason behind the dark in the room and the suffocating heat surrounding me, I allowed myself to relax into his touch. Enjoying his closeness for a little while longer before the whole reality of what was happening came crashing back down.

Just as I was drifting back off to sleep with a pounding headache I felt his lips pucker and press against the skin on the back of my neck causing goosebumps to rise around where he had touched and the butterflies in my stomach to start stirring again. I was shocked by his tender affection but made the choice to not say or do anything, just in case he thought I was still asleep.

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