2. Wrong Flavour

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The first week at the cafe was wonderful. Sure, it was too much work, but Ou Yang was content with the fact that he was an important part of the cafe and was earning his own money. Also, there was Ge Lin who was a bonus. Although Ou Yang initially thought that he would give his casanova title a rest, Ge Lin opened a hole in his plan and made him realise self-restraint wasn't for him.

Still, the fact that Ge Lin had a boyfriend lurked around his mind and he decided to take it slow to see if it was a serious relationship or not. He would never be the one to destroy a good relationship. How nice he was, right?

Indeed, he had a nice side, but the other side was a casanova. As a result, Ou Yang was fine with flirting with other beauties while waiting for Ge Lin. He had already had fifteen contacts in just one week, and although Li Rang didn't approve it, he liked the doubled sales numbers when Ou Yang was behind the counter.

So, it could be said that everything was pretty perfect... except one thing... Mu Ran. That weird man was at the cafe more than Ge Lin and this upset Ou Yang gravely. When he had more than one client, Mu Ran wasn't leaving the cafe, but simply waiting for the other there. As if it wasn't enough, he wasn't even ordering anything while waiting! One latte per client, but up to four hours in the cafe!

Ou Yang was boiling with anger! He didn't specifically know why, but he hated the man. He even complained about him to Li Rang, but the latter liked Mu Ran and kept saying he was a nice guy. For Li Rang, it was the twins who were weird. They were always matchy-matchy with the clothes and hairstyles as if one was the mirror image of the other.

Noticing Li Rang wouldn't sway to his side, Ou Yang decided to taunt Mu Ran directly, hoping he would only drop by from time to time for the dates.

"Did you bring that table from home? Why are you always sitting there?"

Mu Ran just chuckled.

"Don't you have a place to live? Why are you always here?"

Mu Ran just mimicked him with his pursed lips.

"Does match-making pay so less? Why are you acting like a broke person, not ordering anything?"

Mu Ran opened his palm towards Ou Yang, "big brother, treat me some, I am really broke."

Ou Yang pushed his hand, defeated. Mu Ran had a thick-skin, so no matter what Ou Yang did, he couldn't win that fight.

Like that, the first week ended and the second week started.

According to the schedule, Ou Yang was the first to stand behind the counter, so he became sure everything was orderly, plastered a nice smile on his face and started to wait for the little bell to announce the arrival of the first customer of the day.


"Welcome," Ou Yang said, but seeing it was Mu Ran, his smile faded. Drumming his fingers on the counter, he waited Mu Ran to approach the counter with lazy steps.

Standing in front of the counter, Mu Ran put his hand on Ou Yang's drumming one, "please don't, it is too early for such an irritating sound," he said softly with an annoying smile.

Ou Yang saved his hand from the grip, "you are the one who is irritating," he said, but couldn't dare to continue.

Mu Ran smirked and walked to his favorite table on the corner.

"At least order something!" Ou Yang shouted behind him, but the latter pretended not to hear. Irritated, Ou Yang tried to bore holes in Mu Ran's back with his intense gaze. When he miserably failed, he got more irritated and ran out to take some fresh air as soon as An De Lu came in.

Luckily, one of the cuties gave him a call which brought his joy back. "Hello," he greeted the girl on the other line, "did you see me in your dream?"

After flirting a while on the phone, Ou Yang ended the call and turned around to see Mu Ran who was literally an inch away from his face. Ou Yang flinched and took a step back.

"What the hell are you doing?!" he almost shouted.

"Playboy," Mu Ran said wryly, folding his arms on his chest.

Ou Yang mimicked his move and replied, "so what? Every single man is a bit playful and girls love that, you know."

"I don't" was Mu Ran's reply.

Not expecting such a reply from a guy with a killing visual, Ou Yang was taken aback. "Don't tell me that you are only devoted to one woman?!"

"No," Mu Ran smiled allusively, "because I like men."

Ou Yang's eyes widened with the revelation. Instinctively, his eyes travelled down to his hand where Mu Ran patted earlier. With a grimace, he ran inside to the restroom.

While he was washing his hands diligently, Mu Ran showed up in the restroom. Leaning on the door frame, he mocked "it is not a disease, you know, no need to wash so hard."

"You..." Ou Yang turned around to snap at Mu Ran, but seeing the weird expression on his face, he swallowed it. Was it hurt in his eyes?

"Just keep washing," Mu Ran turned around and left him alone with his conscience.

Well, Ou Yang was also aware that his reaction was a bit too much, but he couldn't help. He didn't like gays after being harassed by one and he hated Mu Ran. Therefore, Mu Ran being gay was the cherry on top for his hatred.

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