9. Distasteful Revelations

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"Get your hands off me!"

It was what Mu Ran heard at the moment he entered the cafe. There was only one man in front of the counter, so he was whom Ou Yang shouted at.

"Sorry," the man raised his hands as though he was trying to show that he was harmless and left the cafe with fast steps.

"What was that about?" Mu Ran asked curiously.

"Just a damn gay harassing me," Ou Yang said with apparent disgust and Mu Ran felt nauseous. Seeing his expression, Ou Yang realised that Mu Ran was offended as he was gay as well. "I didn't mean-" he tried to correct his words, but the damage was already done.

"Would you react the same if it was a woman?" Mu Ran asked rhetorically and walked out again to take some fresh air. He knew Ou Yang didn't like gays, but his heart blurred that information... well, until that moment.

It is best to keep it professional, he said inwardly and walked into the cafe back with a fake smile.

"Mu Ran, I..."

"It is okay," Mu Ran didn't let Ou Yang finish. He walked to his usual table and waited for his clients, hoping it was An De Lu's shift to attend the tables.

Well, although it was really An De Lu's shift, it didn't help Mu Ran that much because Ou Yang caught him before he could leave the cafe.

"I will give it to Ge Lin," Mu Ran received the cake box from Ou Yang.

"It is for you, not for Ge Lin," Ou Yang corrected him, "I am sorry for earlier, you were right, I shouldn't have reacted so harshly... I just couldn't help."

Mu Ran just kept staring at the cake as he couldn't find any words appropriate for a reply. I understand? No, because he didn't understand. There was an undeniable sadness in his heart, but he couldn't put a finger on the reason. Was it because of his past, his father? Maybe, the disgust in Ou Yang's tone reminded him of his father.

"Don't sulk, come on," Ou Yang said, misunderstanding his silence, "I will say sorry to that guy if I see him again."

Mu Ran nodded, "please do, although you may not understand, most of us already suffer enough."

Ou Yang was flabbergasted, hearing his sudden confession. The pain in his voice stabbed the cafe owner from the heart. "Wait a second," he said and passed behind the counter. When he appeared again, he was holding his jacket. "Let's go," he commanded.

"How about the cafe?"

"I told An De Lu to cover me," Ou Yang answered and led the way before Mu Ran could object.

"Where are we going?" Mu Ran asked when they reached Ou Yang's car.

"Dinner," Ou Yang replied with a manner as if it was obvious and got in the car. After a second of hesitation, Mu Ran did the same and Ou Yang drove them to a nice restaurant with a terrace.

"Isn't it too expensive?" Mu Ran asked concernedly, seeing the luxurious entrance.

Seeing his widened eyes, Ou Yang let out a chuckle, "it is on me, don't worry," he reassured the hesitant match-maker and almost pushed him inside.

As Ou Yang wanted to listen to the whole story about Mu Ran, he chose the table which was secluded and after they ordered, Ou Yang tested the water.

"What did you mean when you said suffering?"

Mu Ran averted his eyes, feeling too conscious under Ou Yang's piercing gaze.

"You don't have to tell me, sorry if I made you sad," Ou Yang said softly, seeing Mu Ran's troubled expression.

"No, it is okay," Mu Ran looked at him again with a reassuring smile, but his eyes were another story. He took a sip of water and said "my father kicked me out after he learned I am gay."

"What?!" Ou Yang exclaimed as if he himself liked gays.

Mu Ran shrugged, "shit happens," he said, deadpan. As it was a long time ago, he mustn't have let it affect him that much.

"How about your mother?" Ou Yang asked hesitantly.

"She preferred to stand by my father," Mu Ran declared softly. Although it was his parent's choice to reject him, he couldn't help but feel guilty. If only he could hide the fact that he was gay or change his preference, then he could still be a part of the family. He knew it wasn't his fault, but still...

Ou Yang's hands on his knees clenched into fists, sensing Mu Ran's thoughts. Those kinds of people didn't deserve to be parents. They didn't have the right to traumatise their children like that. Although Mu Ran was already thirty years old, at that moment, he looked like an abandoned kid, yearning for compassion. Ou Yang felt his heart squeezed, noticing how much Mu Ran was hiding under his confident mask.

"Well, it is their loss," Ou Yang commented rather cheerfully when he found back his voice, "who wouldn't want a son so handsome like you?"

For the first time that day, Mu Ran smiled genuinely. There was something about Ou Yang which made him feel at ease.

Luckily, the food arrived shortly after and the unpleasant topic dropped. The remainder of the night passed in a blithe atmosphere as Ou Yang moved heaven and earth to make Mu Ran laugh. 

A Bite of LoveOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora