3. A Miscalculated Bite

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It was only two weeks, but Ou Yang missed clubbing like hell. As his old friends were dead to him, he only had An De Lu and Li Rang if we don't count the women he met in the cafe during those two weeks.

"Come on, it will be fun, boys' night!" Ou Yang repeated again, in an attempt to convince Li Rang to go clubbing with him.

"I am not sure," Li Rang said with obvious lack of interest.

"You are not sixty yet! Have a little fun," Ou Yang tugged his friend's sleeve, refusing defeat.

"O-kay," Li Rang gave in and Ou Yang smiled triumphantly before going to haunt An De Lu.

After fifteen minutes and a promise to pay for the night, Ou Yang managed to convince the duo to go to the famous club which was pretty close to the cafe.

The whole day passed rather quickly with the excitement for the night and even Mu Ran couldn't irritate Ou Yang. When it was eleven pm, Ou Yang collected Li Rang and An De Lu in front of the cafe and drove to the club.

What a bliss it was! Loud dance music, neon lights, dancing girls, the smell of alcohol... Ou Yang missed them all. He immediately mingled to the dancing bodies, shocking the other two.

"Such a party animal," An De Lu shouted towards Li Rang's ear to be heard in the loud atmosphere and the latter could only agree. Still, that party animal was a considerate one. He kept ordering drinks, and made his friends to relax and dance with him. As he promised it was a boys' night, he didn't approach any cuties, his focus was solely on the entertainment of his friends.

When it was time to go, both Li Rang and An De Lu were happy and eager to repeat it again soon. With a little difficulty, not-drunk Ou Yang put his half-drunk and completely-drunk friends into a taxi and sent them to Li Rang's house. Then, he decided to walk a bit to get some fresh air before going back home.

As luck would have it, only after five minutes of walking, Ou Yang encountered the only person he didn't want to see.

Mu Ran.

"What are you doing here?" Mu Ran asked with wide open eyes and raising his head, Ou Yang saw that they were in front of a gay bar.

Ou Yang smirked, "just passing, but look at you, half-naked in a gay bar," he said, pointing at his half-transparant black shirt with three buttons open.

"Are you this judgemental towards the half-naked girls in bars?" Mu Ran challenged him coldly.

Ou Yang shook his hand in front of him, "of course not, but if you dress like this..." he stopped abruptly as his mouth dropped to the ground with the sudden realisation, "you are here to find somebody to take home!"

"Shhh!" Mu Ran reprimanded him while looking around, "mind your own business," he snorted and turned around to leave.

"Omg, who would believe it, a match-maker tries to hook a guy in a gay bar!" Ou Yang shouted behind his figure, freezing Mu Ran on his spot, "the shoemaker's son always goes barefoot!"

"SHUT UP!" Mu Ran shouted back and literally ran away from Ou Yang who was having the fun of his life.

Now I got you, he said inwardly with a content smile on his face.

The next day, Ou Yang was excited to see Mu Ran for the first time. Patiently, he waited until Mu Ran showed up with a female client in the evening, and served them coffee with a smirk. Before long, her date also arrived and Ou Yang watched them get to know each other while Mu Ran was sitting on his usual corner table, taking notes about them.

After one hour, as Ou Yang wished, the man left the cafe with a grimace and the woman transferred to Mu Ran's table. Ou Yang stood closer to the table, pretending to remove the dust from the coffee bags.

"Don't worry, next one will be better," Mu Ran comforted the woman who looked disheartened.

"Really?" she asked with hope.

"Of course," Mu Ran smiled reassuringly, "our agency has an eighty-seven percent success rate."

It was the right moment to attack Mu Ran.

"Yet their own match-makers try bars to find partners," Ou Yang dropped the bomb, not missing his golden chance.

"What?!" the woman jumped onto her feet, "is that true?"

"No," Mu Ran also jumped on his feet, trying to calm her, "it is-"

Splash! The woman splashed his half-full latte on his face and walked out the cafe. Luckily, as the time was late, there were no other customers to witness the scene.

"Happy?" Mu Ran asked as he wiped his face and then his notes with some tissues.

"I..." Ou Yang started but what could he say? He just wanted to tease him a bit, but that woman took his words way too seriously. Still, Ou Yang didn't think he was at fault, "I just wanted to help her, you are literally wasting her money!"

"And how did you come to that conclusion?" Mu Ran asked with fire in his eyes. He took his job very very seriously, so the accusation made him boil with anger.

"If you were that good," Ou Yang made a quotation mark gesture with his fingers, "then you wouldn't try your luck at gay bars."

"What if it is my choice not to find a lover?" Mu Ran dared him, "what if I just wanted somebody for the night, like you do with the girls?"

That silenced Ou Yang. He had never thought Mu Ran could be a playboy like him, but why not? He was overly handsome and undeniably charming... like himself. He felt a bit bad, but before he could say something, Mu Ran threw a couple Yuan onto the table and left the cafe.

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