19. A Delicious Outcome

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"Action!" Ou Yang murmured to himself as he sat next to the woman who was sitting in the waiting room in Ge Lin's company. After burning all their brain cells, Mu Ran and Ou Yang came up with a perfect plan to test the waters. According to this marvellous plan, Mu Ran would take the boy away for a fake date while Ou Yang would try to see her reaction towards gays.

"Good morning," Ou Yang called out to her with a nice smile, "are you here for a date?"

The woman chuckled, "you are really nice, young man, but I am too old for it."

"No way!" he waved his hand, objecting to her, "you are still a beauty."

She chuckled more, finding him cute, "are you here for a date?"

"Oh no," he smiled, "I am waiting for my boyfriend," he said, his focus solely on her reaction.

As expected, her eyes widened with the revelation, "did you say boyfriend?" she asked with shock.

Ou Yang nodded, "he is the love of my life, too bad, my parents didn't believe me," he said with a feigned sadness. If he could manage, he would cry too for a more dramatic effect, too bad!

"They didn't... support you?" she asked curiously although she understood them, she didn't even know what she would do if A'Song was gay.

"No," Ou Yang shook his head pitifully, "both of our parents rejected us, I was so sad, but my partner...."

"Your partner?"

"He was devastated, he was really close with his family, especially with his mother. When they threw him out, he got into severe depression. He still has panic attacks although it was five years ago," he half stated the truth and half lied, his eyes on her.

"That's pretty upsetting," she said in the end with her eyes welled with unshed tears.

"Yes, but I would die without him," he continued, "what do you think? Would you throw your only child out just because he or she is gay?"

She thought about it for a second before shaking her head vigorously. A'Song was her everything, so no matter what she would hug her son tight, accepting him as he was although it was quite difficult.

"You are so nice, madam," Ou Yang said with a relieved smile, "I wish all the parents would be like you."

She smiled and Ou Yang left her alone with her thoughts after bidding her goodbye.

Meanwhile in the cafe, Mu Ran was talking with Song Wei about his preference.

"Would you really not tell your mother that you are gay?"

"I can't," Song Wei shook his head with terror. His mother would kill him if he came out.

"So you are willing to date even marry a girl although you will never love her?" Mu Ran pressed. If there was no dating idea, he would understand him, but he would never let them ruin an innocent girl's life.

"That I also can't," he sighed in defeat. He was trapped and couldn't see a way out.

Mu Ran pinched the bridge of his nose, "you have to tell her eventually," he said all-knowingly, "I understand your fears, but it is about your life."

Song Wei lowered his head, buried in thoughts.

Mu Ran gave him time to think and checked his phone which vibrated in his pocket.

[The mother is super cool!]- OY

Not believing their luck, the match-maker read the message twice and when he was convinced that he saw it right, he called out to the young man who was still deep in thought.

"Would you take the chance if I said your mother is actually really nice?"


Mu Ran didn't explain further as Ou Yang was the true source. Therefore, they waited for the cafe owner and once there, he told them everything about the conversation he had with Song Wei's mother.

"Did she really say this?" Song Wei asked with eyes wide open.

Ou Yang nodded with a reassuring smile, "your mother really loves you, so she won't be mean to you."

Suddenly Song Wei grabbed both Ou Yang's and Mu Ran's hands, "thank you so much, I will try to talk to her today before Andy leaves the country."

Andy? The cafe owner and match-maker exchanged a glance. So, he even had a hidden boyfriend! Holding their amazement in, the duo wished the man good luck and sent him to the battlefield.

Two hours later, Mu Ran received a message from Song Wei, saying his mother was shocked, but she didn't throw him out, she even accepted to meet Andy.

"IT WORKED!" Mu Ran exclaimed, not minding the other customers and threw himself on Ou Yang, hugging him tight.

Ou Yang returned the hug before guiding Mu Ran to the staff room for more privacy. There, the match-maker showed the cafe owner the message and both of them chuckled with relief.

"I told you it was a genius plan," Ou Yang teased the other, but when he saw tears in Mu Ran's eyes, his smile faded. "What's wrong?" he asked with worry, drying the tears with his own fingers.

"I am just happy that it worked," the crying man replied in between his sobs and Ou Yang's heart melted. Even in tears, Mu Ran was so beautiful and his kindness was beyond the world. A sudden surge of jealousy and possessiveness took control over Ou Yang who closed the distance between them and smashed his lips on Mu Ran's.

Now there was no doubt in his mind, he loved Mu Ran with all his heart.

A Bite of LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang