20. Freshly-made Boyfriends

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"I am so sorry" was the first thing Mu Ran heard when they broke the kiss. The butterflies in his stomach died without flying too high.

"It is okay," he mumbled and wanted to leave before shedding any tears, but Ou Yang grabbed his arm, pulling him to his previous sitting position.

"Where are you going? I am confessing here!" Ou Yang said with a hurt expression.

"What confession?" Mu Ran asked with confusion, "you said you are sorry."

"Oh sh*t no!" he grabbed the confused man's hands, "I was saying sorry for making you wait for a week. I should have kissed you back that night," he spilled all the beans he was holding in.

Mu Ran's jaw almost fell to the floor, hearing the long-desired words. A stray tear trickled down from his eye and ended up on Ou Yang's hand. The moment the cafe owner felt the wet liquid on his hand, he lifted his hand carefully and kissed that tear.

"Even if it is out of happiness, don't cry," he said softly and pulled the dazed man by his nape so that he could kiss him again.

They kissed for a while, exploring each other's mouths and it marked their first day as a couple. After Mu Ran handled his remaining clients, he continued to sit in the cafe, waiting for his freshly-made boyfriend.

"Shall we?" Ou Yang asked sweetly as he was ready to leave. Mu Ran nodded with a cute smile and the couple locked the cafe.

"So, what shall we do?" Mu Ran asked, proving the proverb 'the shoemaker's son always goes barefoot'. Although he was a match-maker, he felt like a shy boy who was having a boyfriend for the first time.

"Hmm, the weather is really good, let's walk a bit, then I will treat you to dinner."

Mu Ran nodded joyfully and the couple started to walk along the crowded street. The weather was fresh after the rain and lights reflected from the shapeless puddles. Although it was quite a romantic atmosphere, Mu Ran couldn't appreciate it as his mind was solely on the person walking beside him.

Shall I try to hold his hand? Is it too early? Would he hate it to be lovey-dovey in public? Would he want to hide our relationship from others?

The upsetting thoughts chased each other in his mind and made him shiver.

"Are you cold?" Ou Yang's touch broke his trance.

"A bit," he lied.

Suddenly, Ou Yang intertwined his fingers with Mu Ran's and put them into his own jacket's pocket. "Is it better?" he asked and the other could only nod with a blush. With only one gesture, all the depressing thoughts evaporated from his mind.

The duo walked around aimlessly until their empty stomachs protested. Although Ou Yang wanted to take Mu Ran to a fancy restaurant to celebrate their first day, the latter objected and dragged him into a normal one. For the first time in Ou Yang's dating life, there was someone who didn't want to go somewhere expensive.

Mu Ran was indeed special.

Maybe it was because he was extremely happy, it was the best dinner Ou Yang had ever had in his entire life. Looking at Mu Ran's lovely face, illuminated by the soft yellow light, Ou Yang sent a silent thanks to the universe as he didn't lose this angelic man by his own stupidity.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?"

"Yes," Ou Yang nodded.

"Where?" Mu Ran asked, brushing his hands on his face.

"Well, it is all over your face."

"What? What is it? Food?" Mu Ran exclaimed with horror.

"No," Ou Yang shook his head and brushed his forefinger on Mu Ran's cheek, "it is beauty," he said with a cheesy smile and the other rendered speechless.

Seeing his shy expression with blushed cheeks, Ou Yang let out a hearty chuckle, "Ran Ran, you are really cute!"

"Stop shouting!" Mu Ran reached and covered his mouth, but the lovesick man ignored him and kissed his palm on his mouth.

Seeing he had no chance in front of Ou Yang's extreme flirtation skills, Mu Ran retracted his hand and tried to focus on his food.

After Ou Yang handled the bill, he took Mu Ran home as it was already late.

"Do you want to come up for coffee?" Mu Ran asked when Ou Yang stopped the car.

"Next time, it is late," Ou Yang refuted politely and gave a chaste kiss to Mu Ran on the lips, "good night."

"Good night," the other replied and got out of the car.

It was the best first date he ever had... but it wouldn't be sunshine for too long...

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