11. 80% Bitter Feelings

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Even from afar, Ou Yang could see the date of Mu Ran's clients wasn't going well. The woman's eyes were on Mu Ran blatantly, so her date was snorting loudly, trying to attract her attention. Well, Ou Yang couldn't really blame her as Mu Ran was like an Adonis compared to her date. Poor Mu Ran... he was doing his best to make them talk, but the woman was adamant. The cafe owner had no doubt that after the 'date', she would ask for Mu Ran's number.

Only if she knew Mu Ran was after eggplant rather than peach...

Sucking his teeth with pity, Ou Yang continued with drying the cups, half of his attention still on the certain table.

Apparently, the woman was bolder than Ou Yang thought as only after twenty minute, she leaned towards Mu Ran, said something, making Mu Ran horrified, and left the cafe. After the initial shock, the man jumped on his feet and punched Mu Ran on the face. With the impact, the match-maker fell to the floor and Ou Yang rushed to the scene.

"I KNEW YOU WERE AFTER HER!" the man yelled at Mu Ran as he grabbed his collar, pulling him up for the second punch.

Ou Yang grabbed the man's hands and ripped them off from the shocked match-maker forcefully. Pushing him a bit farther, he yelled "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!"

"THEY FLIRTED IN FRONT OF ME! HE STOLE HER FROM ME!" the man yelled again, pointing his accusive finger at Mu Ran.

Ou Yang opened his mouth to object, but Mu Ran beat him. "I am gay for God's sake! You misunderstood the situation," he declared coldly, holding his cheek.

"Gay?" the man was taken aback, "ARE YOU A FUCKING HOMO?!" he yelled again as he rubbed his hands on his jacket as if to clean them.

That was it. The civilization left Ou Yang as he punched the man with all his might. Yelping, the man stumbled towards an empty table and Ou Yang got ready for the second punch, yet Mu Ran grabbed him from behind, pulling him away from the man.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR IT!" the man shouted, but he couldn't dare to approach fuming Ou Yang. He grabbed his jacket and almost ran out of the cafe before Ou Yang could save himself from Mu Ran's tight grip.

"LET GO OF ME!" he shouted, struggling to save himself. Seeing the man escape successfully, Mu Ran let go of Ou Yang who glared at him with fire in his eyes.

"Why did you do that?! He deserved a good beating after what he said."

Mu Ran sighed, "it is not a big deal," he said as he slumped back to his seat as though nothing happened.

"What?" Ou Yang asked with his eyes wide open with shock, "not a big deal? Really?"

"Yes" was the resolute answer, "I am used to it."

"Unbelievable!" Ou Yang snorted, making Mu Ran angry.

"Aren't you the same? Why so heated up this time?" he asked coldly, his eyes piercing through the cafe owner's soul.

"What?" Ou Yang asked, confused.

"Didn't you wash your hands after learning I am gay? Don't you like physical contact? If so, why do you avoid me like plague? Why do you never serve the coffee from my side, but just push my cup to me from the other end? Why do you always lean towards the left if I am in the car?" he counted one by one, letting out everything he held in. When he finished, his heart was aching more than his cheek.

Similarly, each word stabbed into Ou Yang's heart, but he couldn't say anything as Mu Ran was right. Thinking back, he realised that he was really like that, avoiding physical contact with Mu Ran although he saw him as a friend. He was doing it unwittingly, by instinct, and Mu Ran had never commented on his behaviour. Well, obviously it didn't mean that he was okay with it because the resentment in his voice was clear.

How ironic it was, he got angry at a man for the behaviour he himself performed!

"Mu Ran, I..." he started after a long while later, but was shushed by the resented man.

"You don't have to say anything, I know you don't do it intentionally," Mu Ran reassured him with a forced smile and left the cafe with hasty steps, hoping none of the witnesses knew him personally.

Behind him, Ou Yang cleaned the tables with a bitter taste in his mouth. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't get rid of the mental picture of Mu Ran's hurt expression. Still, he didn't accuse him for being a hypocrite, on the contrary, he comforted him.

Damn it! Why do I have to be this oblivious?!

Ou Yang gave himself mental slaps and swore to make it up to Mu Ran. 

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