12. Sweet Cake, Sour Request

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"Did Ge Lin say something?" Ou Yang asked as soon as Mu Ran appeared in the cafe.

"I was a bit busy, so I had no time for your love life," Mu Ran answered, irritated.

"No silly, I was asking about yesterday's incident, she didn't blame you, right?"

Hearing the genuine worry in his tone and noticing he was the reason for that worry, Mu Ran was flustered. "She kicked him out, so everything is cool," he answered with a more friendly tone and Ou Yang heaved a sigh of relief.

"It is good then," he smiled brightly, illuminating Mu Ran's day.

"Hmm," the match-maker hummed and ran to his usual table for his dear heart.

To his dismay, Ou Yang didn't leave him alone as he was quite determined to show him that he wasn't avoiding him. He intentionally served the coffee from Mu Ran's side, even putting his hands on his shoulders when he said 'enjoy' to Mu Ran's clients. Moreover, when the clients left, he grabbed a plate of cake with coconut and peach flavor and sat opposite of Mu Ran.

"Try it," he said with a smile, pushing the plate towards the shocked man.

Being too conscious under Ou Yang's eagle eyes, Mu Ran took a piece of the cake and nodded in approval as it was exactly for his taste. Still, remembering the last time Ou Yang wanted him to try a cake, the match-maker got sceptical immediately.

"It is too sweet for Ge Lin," he said before his heart carried away.

"I know," Ou Yang answered, rolling his eyes, "it is for you, I made it especially for you, but if it is really good, I can put it into the menu."

"Don't!" Mu Ran exclaimed suddenly, shocking not only Ou Yang but also himself. He was so happy to hear that Ou Yang prepared a cake only for him, so he didn't want to share it with others. Yes, jealousy was dangerous.

"Why? Is it too bad?"



"It..." Mu Ran itched the corner of his eyebrow, trying to come up with a logical reason, "...too sweet for many... I guess?"

Ou Yang's mouth made an "O" shape, but he didn't buy it. "Then I will take it away," he attempted to grab the plate, but Mu Ran pulled it away from him.

"No need, it would be a waste," he said while stuffing the cake into his mouth.

Seeing his childish behaviour, Ou Yang smiled fondly and unwittingly reached forward, pushing Mu Ran's long hair away from his face so that it wouldn't go into his mouth with the cake. Interestingly, Mu Ran's hair was softer than any other girls' Ou Yang hung out with, and he liked the feeling. Therefore, he repeated the action again, not finding his behaviour strange. Nope, not at all.

On the other hand, Mu Ran found his behaviour extremely strange and heart palpitating, so he leaned backwards, leaving Ou Yang's hand hanging in the air. Only then, the cafe owner realised what he did and got rattled by his own action.

"I will bring you some coffee," he murmured and ran away with his confused heart. Did I really touch a man's hair and enjoy it?! he screamed inwardly as he prepared a latte with his shaky hands.

Luckily, Mu Ran didn't comment on it, being too busy munching the cake with a contented smile. He understood Ou Yang's intention, so he didn't want to embarrass him when he tried so hard to ensure Mu Ran that he wasn't avoiding him.

Like that, Ou Yang worked hard to show Mu Ran that he was okay with him, and the more he endeavoured the more comfortable he got around Mu Ran. Now, he could say Mu Ran was his second best friend after Li Rang.

Unfortunately, his friendliness was confusing Mu Ran. Whenever their hands touched or their shoulders rubbed, he felt electricity running inside his body. During those two weeks, they hung out frequently and enjoyed themselves very much, so the cruel hope crept into his heart. Also, during those times, Ou Yang never mentioned Ge Lin which only added fuel to the fire in his heart.

Well, the tables turned on the third week.

"Mu Ran!"


"Did Ge Lin break up from her boyfriend?" Ou Yang asked and seeing the hope in his eyes, Mu Ran felt his world shake.

"From whom you heard it?" the sad man asked with a feigned aloofness.

"Twins told me this morning!" Ou Yang exclaimed, "is it true?"

Mu Ran could only nod, no words willing to go out from his dry mouth.

Suddenly Ou Yang grabbed Mu Ran's shoulders, pulling him toward himself above the counter, "help me to arrange a date with her."

Now, Mu Ran's world crashed down. "A date?" he asked, almost whispering.

"Yes!" the excited man jumped up and down, "be a match-maker for us."

"It is better if you ask her directly," Mu Ran saved himself from the burning grip.

Ou Yang rolled his eyes, but said "okay, but if she says no, you will help me, okay?"

Mu Ran nodded, suppressing a sob.

As if it wasn't enough of a shock for Mu Ran, Ge Lin accepted to go for dinner, but only if Mu Ran was also present.

Two days later, cursing his luck and hardening his heart, Mu Ran dragged his unwilling feet to the restaurant where the date would take place.

What was the chance for an alien abduction on that particular day?

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