17. Mixed Aromas

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Although Ou Yang thought he had to wait for one and half hours, it took less than forty minutes.

At first, everything looked normal. Mu Ran and Rao Feng were sitting across each other with two glasses of beer, and there was a slight smile on Mu Ran's lips. However, when they dimmed the lights, getting ready for the night, that sneaky Rao Feng moved his ass to the chair next to Mu Ran's. Ou Yang noticed Mu Ran's shoulders got tensed, but he seemed not to say anything because Rao Feng continued to sit there, and then one of his arms found its way around Mu Ran's shoulders with a professional manner.

Ou Yang watched in awe as Mu Ran flinched visibly, but still didn't push him away. The awed man munched on some popcorn harshly, visualising it as Rao Feng's naughty arm. If Rao Feng didn't take any more incentives, Ou Yang would sit still, taking his anger out of the poor popcorn, but he did.

His free hand moved towards Mu Ran's thigh and only then Mu Ran reacted. He gently pushed his hand away, but the other was adamant. He grabbed Mu Ran's waist, pulling him towards himself while saying something to the wiggling match-maker.

Well, Mu Ran could handle the situation very well, but Ou Yang didn't have the patience to wait. He rushed to the scene and pulled Mu Ran away from the leech whose face contorted in an ugly way as his plan came to nought.

"What the hell are you doing?" Rao Feng snorted as he stood up as well.

"Saving Ran Ran from a leech," he declared proudly, staring at the man, "he is too nice for his own good."

"Leech?!" Rao Feng took a step towards Ou Yang, but Mu Ran came in between them, blocking him.

"Let's call it a night," Mu Ran said softly, but Rao Feng didn't accept defeat.

"We were having fun, weren't we? Let's continue then."

"Actually no," Mu Ran said honestly, "I am sure you are really nice, but we are not meant to be."

Rao Feng dumbfounded while Ou Yang was brimming with happiness. Quickly, he put his hand on Mu Ran's back and directed him out of the bar.

"What was that for?" Mu Ran snapped at Ou Yang as soon as they were out.

"He was harassing you! I just wanted to help you," Ou Yang defended himself. He didn't believe what he did was wrong.

"I could take care of him," the angry man insisted.

"I know, but you were too polite, so I had to step in."

Mu Ran gaped at him, "I wish you knew how confusing you are."

"Confusing? Why?" Ou Yang asked with a frown. He just wanted to help a friend, what was so confusing about it?

"You act like a jealous boyfriend. What got into you?"

That silenced Ou Yang. Damn, he did it again! He got carried away and acted like a jealous boyfriend again! He just couldn't help it, thinking Rao Feng's hands on Mu Ran made him fume. But why? He wouldn't like Mu Ran in that sense, right? No way!

"Do you like me?" Mu Ran asked as if he read his mind.

No matter how hard Ou Yang tried to deny the allegation, his mouth didn't obey him. "I don't know," he said in the end with honesty.

Mu Ran's eyes widened as he expected him to say 'no'. With the excitement of the moment, he closed the gap between them and pressed his lips on Ou Yang's. The latter didn't push him away although he didn't move much. Realising what he did, Mu Ran pulled himself back after a second.

"Was it disgusting?" he asked with a small voice, fearing Ou Yang's positive answer.

Touching his lips in a daze, Ou Yang murmured "no", making Mu Ran the happiest man alive.

"Hmm," he hummed as he tugged a thread of hair behind his ear with a suppressed smile, "I am leaving then." Although he didn't want to leave, he didn't want to overwhelm Ou Yang after the kiss.

"WAIT!" Ou Yang shouted when his wandering soul was back, "I will drive you home as an apology to interfere with your date."

Mu Ran gave himself a mental slap, how dense Ou Yang was! "It wasn't a date," he explained, "I already have someone I like."

"Oh, really?" Ou Yang felt a sudden ache in his heart, "w-who is he?"


"I see..." Ou Yang nodded, "WAIT, WHAT?!"

Mu Ran couldn't laugh or cry. How come he fell in love with such a dork? He grabbed Ou Yang's arms and repeated, "the one I like is you."

"Oh," Ou Yang was still processing, "but I am not sure how I feel about you..."

Although it was expected, it still hurt. "It is okay," Mu Ran said, trying to hide his bleeding heart, "in time you will know. I won't push you for anything."

Ou Yang could only stare at the ground, thinking he didn't deserve such a nice treatment. 

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