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!TW! throw up

I wake up to someone nudging me and saying "Quinn, wake up"

I was half asleep but managed to hum back in response.

"Quinn, come on honey."

By the nickname, I tell it's Alex and pull him onto my chest.

He pushes away from me which causes me to open my eyes and make a few sad faces at him.

"Come on." he says, dragging me out of bed.

I check the clock next to the bed seeing it's 3:42 a.m.

"Dude, Alex it's almost 4 in the morning, what is so urgent that it couldn't have waited til at least 9."

He pulls me into the bathroom and there I see Sap, head hanging over the toilet.

"Love." I say, rubbing my hand up and down his back.

I grab a paper cup we have in the cabinet and fill it with water. "Drink this okay?" I tell Sap, handing him the cup.

He groans letting me know he doesn't want to.

"Come on, Sap. Its water." Alex says, looking him in the eye.

Sap breaks eye contact and replies with "You're not the one worried you're gonna throw it up."

I tilt my head at him as he takes the water out of my hand, taking small sips at a time.

That minute I hear footsteps running down the hall and I peek my head out the door.

It's Karl, sprinting down the hallway, hand over mouth.

"Oh god" I say chasing after Karl. I'm a few steps behind but he closes the door and I hear a sound that sends a shiver down my spine. I hate throwing up.

I knock lightly on the door, in a pattern him and I have. "It's me, Quinn." I say through the door even though he knows it's me from the pattern.

He opens the door with a guilty look plastered on his face.

"Come here." I say opening my arms for a hug. He immediately falls into them, letting out small sobs here and there."You're okay," I whisper "Everything is gonna be okay."

I know how bad his emetophobia is. "No Quinn," He says, pushing away from me, dropping to his knees.

I sit there with him spelling out words and drawing pictures with my finger on his back.

"I'm going to check on Sap." I say, moving to stand up.

Karl looks at me with a scared look.

"He's okay, love. Just sick."

Me and Alex switch places with each other. Him comforting Karl and me comforting Sapnap.

Alex told me Sap was feeling better.

I decided to move him to our spare bedroom with a small trash can, in case he gets sick again.

Saps pov

I'm feeling better, but I feel bad for Quinn and Alex. Staying up this long just to make me and Karl feel better.

I sigh rolling over. "Quinn, has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" She smiles which made me smile. Her smile is so contagious I swear.

I try to kiss her but catch myself, not wanting to get her sick. She realizes and kisses my cheek.

"I'm sick" I tell her, as she curls up into my chest.

"I know." she says. Exhaustion laced in her voice.

"Get some sleep, I'll be here in the morning." I tell her, but she's already dreaming.

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