seven-stream day aftermath

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!Tw: Yelling, Arguing, Panic Attack!

“So? How’d you like it?” Karl asks me.

“It was pretty good I’d say!” I say.

“I’m going to head to the bathroom real quick.” I tell all five of the boys.

I slip into the bathroom and shut and lock the door.

I pull out my phone using face ID to unlock it and open the twitter app.

The #1 trending thing on there is the Dream SMP.

I click on the words ‘Dream SMP’ and see mostly nice things.

I scroll and scroll forgetting the supportive ones and only reading the hate. 

Alex's POV

“Hey guys?” I speak up, “Quinn has been in the bathroom for over twenty minutes now.”

“Oh shit.” Sapnap says,  sprinting to the bathroom.

“Quinn, honey, you in there?” George says, knocking on the door.

“C’mon Quinn.” Clay says with a tone of anger.

I push him away from the door and into another room.

“She isn’t going to open the fucking door if you're yelling at her.” I yell, slamming the door. 

Clay's POV

“She isn't going to open the door if we baby her either!” I yell back.

“You know what? Fuck you.” Alex mumbles, getting up to walk out of the room.

“No, we aren’t going back out there while we are in an argument.” I tell him grabbing the door handle.

“What the hell! Quinn has locked herself in the bathroom and you are more worried about an argument than her?” He yells at me.


I completely forgot about Quinn.

He was right. I was more worried about the argument than her.

“Alex I’m sorry.” I say, trying hugging him.

“Don’t touch me.” He says walking out of the room. 

George's POV

“Go get the key please.” I say, turning toward Karl.

We unlock the door and there she is, sitting on the floor in a corner shaking like crazy.

“She’s having a panic attack.” Sap says.

“Oh darling.” I say, pulling her into my arms rocking back and forth.

“She has twitter open.” Karl says picking up her phone that was still left on.

Karl immediately puts his arms around her waist.

Sapnap pulls out his phone and his fingers are flying on the keyboard.

“Sap, don’t.” She chokes out.

He gives her a sorry look.

“Please.” She mumbles.

He deletes the tweet and wraps his arms around her too.

I hear yelling from the other room.

Great, another thing to put on her shoulders.

Alex arrives in the doorway.

His face shocked when he sees Quinn.

“She’s so pale.” He says.

“Can you get her something to eat?” Sapnap asks.

“Mhm” Alex replies, heading toward the kitchen.

Quinn's POV

Alex hands me a pack of chips ahoy with a glass of milk.

He knows it's my favorite snack.

He sets it on the floor next to me.

I push it away, whispering “Not hungry.”

George carries me to the couch and Karl plops down next to me.

I cuddle into his side, my head in the crook of his neck and I quickly fall asleep.

Sapnap's POV

“What the hell was all that yelling?” I question Alex.


“No seriously, what was it?”

“He wasn’t helping by yelling at her to open the door.” Alex responds, rolling his eyes.

“Where is he now?” I ask.

He shrugs.

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