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I wake up to a cabinet slamming and Alex yelling "Damn, can you be any less quieter?"

I chuckle knowing that they're trying to be quiet for the sake of the three of us sleeping.

I move out Sapnaps grip and climb out of bed, heading toward the bathroom.

As I exit the bathroom I see Sap on his phone.

"Morning " I mumble.

A huge smile appears on his face.

"C'mon" I tell him, taking his hand, yanking him off the bed.

We run out into the hall, laughing at a deez nuts joke Sapnap told me leaving the room.

As we enter the kitchen, I hear George say "Well it looks like someone's up."

"What's for breakfast?" Sap immediately asks, looking around Clay.

"You'll see! You'll see!" Clay tells him, swatting at him.

All of a sudden I get ripped off the barstool I'm sitting on.

It's Karl, looking at me with the biggest smile on his face.

I place my feet on the ground and turn around to hug him.

"I'm glad you're feeling better!" I tell him, grabbing my phone out of my pocket, connecting it to the speakers we have.

"How about we listen to 'Quinn's swag playlist'?" I say turning it on, not even letting them get the chance to say their opinions.

'Looking Out For You' is the first to come on and we are all screaming it at the top of our lungs.

"Breakfast!" I yell, grabbing a plate and putting 3 pieces of french toast on it along with a handful of assorted fruits.

Clay wheezes his iconic wheeze at my excitement.

Home-poly!crewboysDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora