fourteen-the park

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We arrive at the park and Alex immediately heads to the swings.

“He’s so childish.” George laughs.

“At least he goes outside more than you do.” Sapnap mentions.

Instead of getting caught in the argument, I run to the swing next to Alex.

Karl and Clay follow my actions; George and Sapnap arguments never end well.

“Quit arguing and come be kids again!” Karl yells from the slide.

Sapnap giggles and books it to the playground, leaving George in the dust.

George sighs, slowly making his way to the playground.

“What are you? A snail?” I shout from my seat on the swing.

He shoots me a warning look as I burst out in laughter.

While I’m crying because of how hard I was laughing, I didn't notice Clay wasn't on the swing next to me anymore.

He starts pushing my swing and counting.


I quickly grab hold of the swings chains.

“Two.” I count with him.

“Three.” He says.


“Under-doggy!” Clay cuts me off, pushing me high and running underneath my swing.

“Holy shit!” I yell as fear and excitement take over.

“Let go!” Alex yells from the ladder.

“Bro!” I shout back.

Once my swing slows down I hop off.

“Your turn Sap!” I giggle.

“Oh god, this isn't gonna end well.” He mumbles, loud enough for me to hear.

I pat the swing as he sits down grabbing hold of the swings chains.

“I’m gonna do under-doggy so brace yourself.” I warn him.

“One, two, three, under-doggy!” I yell, quickly running under the swing.

All Sapnap does is scream.

“Well that was a reaction.” George says, as we watch him swing back and forth as the swing slowly slows down.

“Hey, there's an ice cream truck over there!” Alex jumps up and down.

“We gotta wait for Sap.” Clay walks over to the swing grabbing one of the two chains on the swing to slow him down quicker.

“Quinn, you are never doing that again.” Sapnap emphasizes the word ‘never’.

We head to the ice cream truck and all get a double scoop cone and head home.

a/n: im going to start editing the chapters like such 'fourteen-the park' just to give you a hint of what its about! so i apoligise if it blows up your notifications in the process!! also i may write a dream X fem reader and or quackity X reader after this one :) but i might write the entire story so you dont have to wait for parts to come out unless you want to wait for them :D

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