thirteen-breakfast at a cafe

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*time skip*

I wiggle out of bed and head to the kitchen.

"Let's see." I mumble to myself, opening the fridge for something to make.

I feel arms wrap around my waist, and hear humming.

Its Alex, humming the chorus to the song 'Dark Red'

"Hello!" I say, dragging out the 'O'

"What are you making?" He questions.

"Eggs and hashbrowns! Is that okay?"

He hums a "Mhm" in response.

"Where is the pan?" I question.

"You mean the frying pan?" Alex asks from the living room.

"Yes, the frying pan. The one we always use." I say, searching through even more cabinets.

"Sapnap used it last night to make himself a quesadilla."

"What did I do last night?" Sapnap said, turning me around and pulling me into a hug.

"You used the frying pan." I reminded him, pulling away from the hug.

"Oh yeah, why do you need it anyway?" He says, pulling it out of the sink.

"I'm making eggs and hashbrowns for breakfast."

"Why not just go out for breakfast? I can pay." Clay says coming down the hall.

"Jesus, where do you guys keep coming from?" I mumble.

"The bedroom." Karl says, peeking into the fridge.

"See this is what I mean!" I say, flipping toward Karl. "It's scary."

"Gangs all here." George says in a scratchy voice, plopping down on the couch, cuddling into Saps side.

"Well are we going out for breakfast or what?" Clay says, walking into the kitchen

"I mean we can if the other four are down for it." I start whispering.

"Why are you whispering?" Clay whispers back.

I start motioning to where George and Sapnap are sleeping on the couch.

Alex giggles, pulling up an air horn on the tv.

"Alex! No!" Karl whisper-shouts.

"Whoops." Alex says, pressing the first video that pops up.

"I'm sorry, take the money!" Sapnap shouts, pushing George off him.

Clay and I make confused faces at each other as George groans from the ground.

"Hey, whens breakfast gonna be done?" Alex speaks up, forgetting what just happened.

"Clay and I thought we could just go out for breakfast."

They all say yes and we get ready to go out.

I chose to wear a oversized-tee and some baggy jeans along with a few pieces of jewelry.

Karl is the first to the front two seats and next is George while the rest of us scramble to get our favourite seat in the back.

I chuckle at Alex sitting next to me on his phone.

"Ipad kid." I whisper.

"Am not!" He yells.

"Dude my ears." Sapnap smacks his arm.

"Karllllll," Alex complains "Quinn is calling me and Ipad kid and Sapnap is hitting me." He makes a pouty face.

"What am I? Your mother?" Karl replies.

"I'm going to tell my mom then." Alex pulls out his phone.

"Oh and you tattle!" I laugh.

He texts his mom and doesn't speak for the rest of the ride.

"Oh come on, it was a joke." I say, with a disappointed look.

"You believed it!" He shouts and points at me.

I scoff, "Did not."

"Did too."

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!"

"Ha! You said did not!" I laugh.

"Okay, act normal since we are heading inside." Clay whispers to us, holding the door open.

We all enter the cafe and order what we want.

"Bro, that's my apple juice." I say, eyeing George as he takes a sip of my drink.

"Boohoo." He tells me.

I finish my muffin and apple juice while the others finish their breakfast.

"I hope you all didn't want to go home after this." I say hopping into the drivers seat, plugging my phone into the aux.

The first song to come on is 'Cha Cha'; not bad.

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