Maybe discontinuing this

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Hey so, this book might be getting discontinued. I've been busy and stressed recently, and I just don't have the motivation to continue. I was thinking about making a book about some of my ocs, I feel like it would be easier for me to write that. Sorry, you guys, but when I do start my new book, I'll make a chapter with a link to it for you guys.

Also, as a treat. Have this thing I wrote a while ago.

I have a lot of thoughts about getting lost in caves
Or lying on the beach and letting the waves consume me

I have a lot of thoughts about decomposing.
Lying in the forest while the bugs eat my insides.

I have a lot of thoughts about car crashes.
The moment of silence you get before everything comes crashing down around you.

I have a lot of thoughts about death.
Beautiful and Cold
Harsh but forgiving

Death is king in this lonely world we all call home.
And someday she comes for all of us.
In order to keep balance this is how it has to be.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2021 ⏰

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