Please eat

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Eyyyyyy, I'm sick so have more sad. Inspired a by "Please eat" By Nicole Dollanganger. - Anders
Germany sighed as he watched Russia make breakfast that he knew he wouldn't eat. And if he did, he'd probably get sick afterwards. "Is there something wrong, my love?" The Russian asked, hearing Germany sigh.
"Nien... I'm ok.. Just tired from work.." Germany lied. He was tired of lying but he knew it would hurt Russia so much to see Germany doing this to himself. So he'd keep lying for now. Russia piled waffles, eggs, bacon and sausage on his plate. The small German felt so guilty for having to waste so much food so he'd try to eat as much as possible. The taller male handed the plate to Germany, kissing his forehead. "Thank you.." Germany mumbled, picking up a fork. He picked at his plate a bit, taking a few bites and trying not to gag. Russia was watching with a concerned look on his face. "Germany... What's wrong?.." Germany mentally panicked but remained calm on the outside. "Nothing, I-" "Don't lie to me Germany." The German sighed. Now's the time, I guess. He thought. "Russia I... I can't eat.. I don't have motivation and I get sick when I do.." Russia gasped slightly and instantly pulled Germany into his arms. "Germany... You know it's not your body that I need, but that's what sleeps next to me. And you're killing it. You're killing the only piece of you I can touch. Please eat." Russia had tears streaming out of his eyes. Germany had never seen him cry. Ever. And that's when he knew he had to get help. If not for himself, for Russia. He kissed Russia's tears away and smiled. "I'll try. I promise."
296 words. I cried like twice writing this but I was listening to the song at the same time so.. Yeah. I tried to put more effort in but that doesn't mean it's any better. But enjoy anyway! - Anders

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