This is love

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Eyyy, a song fic. Inspired by This is Love by Air Traffic Controller. Not related to the actual story but I have no where else to post it so yeah. Also, not doing the whole song, I'm hella lazy and hella tired.
You're no good, you're no good. You could kill me and you should.
USSR stared down at the man who was now laying on the floor. "Pathetic." He hissed. "I could kill you right now if I wanted." "You could. You should. But you won't." Nazi purred, knowing exactly what would happen. Same as always, USSR would threaten him but two hours later they'd be perfectly fine. Same as every other day. "What makes you say that?" USSR asked though he knew that Nazi was right. "Because you love me. No, you need me. So do you mind helping me up?" Nazi held out his hand. Reluctantly, Soviet pulled Nazi up and growled. "God, you're annoying as hell." "Mhm, sure." Nazi rolled his eyes and left.
You'll forgive me if I promise and do nothing but the same.
"You know what you did!" Nazi screamed in anger as he stormed out of the house. They had gotten into another argument again. USSR had made the mistake of raising a hand to Nazi. And oh boy Nazi was pissed. He had already packed all of his things. "Reich please... Get back inside." USSR pleaded. "Fuck you! You don't have the right to-" USSR silenced his smaller lover with a kiss. Nazi tried to pull away at first but eventually melted right into the kiss. USSR soon pulled away, smiling. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again." He lied. "Promise?" "Promise" Nazi knew it was a lie, but followed Soviet back into the house anyway.
It's pathetic, I know. A jealous fool who won't let go.
Reich was talking with Fascist Italy. Perhaps for too long. In USSR's eyes, way too long. The Russian stood up and stormed over, grabbing Nazi's arm, dragging him away. "Soviet, what the-" "I don't like him." USSR interrupted. "Gets too close to you." Nazi rolled his eyes. "We're friends, oh wait, you don't have friends, you wouldn't know that." Soviet dragged Nazi behind a building and pinned him to the wall. He forced the smaller male's head to the side, biting harshly into his neck. Nazi let out a small moan, just barley there. USSR only pulled away when he was satisfied with the dark purple marks on Third's neck. "You're mine. Got it?" He whispered into Nazi's ear. "Yes sir~" Nazi purred. Shut up, this is love.
435 words. Wow, the longest chapter and it isn't even related to the story line. Haha, writers block.

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