Chapter 4 - Worry

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It was about a week later after your dinner with Kazuo Yamashita and Ohma. You have not heard from them since then, which honestly caused you a bit of worry. Were they okay? Did they get in trouble? Did...Ohma end up getting hurt? "Ugh, stop worrying, Y/n, stop worrying," you told yourself as you made your way out of class, your phone beginning to vibrate as you made it to your car. "Hm?" you'd hum, taking the phone out of your jacket pocket. It was Mr. Yamashita! A sudden wave a relief rushed over you, though you didn't know why. Sliding up to the answer button, you put the phone to your ear. "Mr. Yamashita!"

"Y/n, hello there! I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time," the old man said with a chuckle. "I just wanted to call and apologize that I haven't updated about our whereabouts. That and I'm sorry for not picking up when you were calling. Ohma and I were...quite busy." The pause in the man's voice made you question what they could have been doing.
"Oh? Well, that's alright. I've been busy myself as well with school and all."
"Oh, I see. You must be working hard. Well, in that case, would you care to—" Some shuffling could be heard on the other side of the line as you stood there at your car door in confusion. The hell was going on?

"Y/n L/n. It's me. Can you hear me on this thing?"
"Wh- Ohma? Yes, I can hear you. What are you doing with Mr. Yamashita's phone?" you asked the man, who didn't answer your question.
"Just like Kazuo Yamashita said, we've been busy. But I'm here to tell you the truth about what we've been busy with." Within an instant, Yamashita can he heard frantically trying to grab the phone from Ohma's hand, obviously too short to reach it as Ohma held the phone in the air. The hell was going on, and what was Mr. Yamashita hiding from you?
"Um...look guys, I'll have to call you back later, okay. I just want to get home." Before there were any signs of protest, you hung up the phone, getting in your car and heading off back to your house.

"Well, she hung up so you can quit your worrying."
"Ohma, you can't just tell her everything!"
"What do you mean? You think she doesn't deserve the truth?"
"Well, that's not the case, it's just that...I don't wanna worry her. Look, the girl obviously has quite a bit on her plate. Let's just let her be for now, okay?"
Ohma didn't say anything, shrugging before beginning to walk off. He was a man of truth, and he didn't like to beat around the bush when it came to honesty. But maybe, just maybe Kazuo Yamashita was right. It wasn't the right time for Y/n to find out the truth.

You had made it back home, sitting in your living room with your tv on, watching your favorite television show. You were trying to get your mind off of things, especially earlier. You wondered what Yamashita was keeping away from you, and why he didn't allow Ohma to tell you the truth. Knock knock knock. Who was that? You paused your show, getting up from the couch and over to the door, looking through the peep hole before immediately opening the door. "Ohma! What are you doing here?!" The man didn't say anything, pushing past you and into the front door, holding a bag in his hand that read "take-out-ramen".
"Ohma? Why did you bring food over? Look, is this for earlier, because if it is, then don't worry about it. I've got other things to worry about—I mean, think about anyway." You had exposed yourself without knowing it, the man going over to the couch and setting the bag on the coffee table in front, patting the spot next to him.
"Wh— hey! What makes you think you can tell me where to sit?! This is my house," you said.

"Yeah? I know, that's why I knocked. Now come here and sit down before the ramen gets cold." You didn't, or more of couldn't say anything. His words shocked you. How could he be so nonchalant? Who exactly was this man? "Um...hello? Do I have something on my face?" You snapped out of your trance, Ohma having a slight look of concern on his face since you were staring him down. You waved your hands in defense. "Sorry, sorry. I just...didn't know what to say at the moment." You came over, sitting down next to him and opening up the bag, pulling out two plastic containers of ramen. You took your chopsticks, and he took his own, opening the container and beginning to eat, slurping the noodles up as if it was nothing.

You didn't complain, doing the same with your own noodles. After a while of slurping and chomping, you sat down your bowl, looking over at Ohma who had seem to forgot the real reason why he came over in the first place. Or did he? "So...can you please tell me why you came over to my house with ramen? Just to eat?" The man shook his head, licking his lips and continuing to eat. Seriously? You opened your mouth to say something else when he interrupted. "Look, don't worry about earlier. I was only...uh...teasing I guess." You knew immediately that he was not telling the truth, but his efforts was kind of cute. "Yeah? So what was it, a prank?"
"What's a prank?"
"Yeah, I don't think you're gonna get out of this one, buddy. You don't even know what a prank is." You sighed, shaking your head and eating a bit more of the noodles.
"Hey, teasing is like a prank, isn't it? I'm assuming a prank is kind of like teasing." He was right on that part. "Anyway, guess I have to explain why Yamashita was acting so panicked." He looked over at you. "He was afraid that I was gonna tell you some sort of information for the future. Something you don't need to try and wrap your head around at the moment. I trust you, Y/n L/n. I know you're a good person and—" Damn. He just caught himself, didn't he? He looked away. Shit! Well earlier being a 'teasing' thing went out the window.

"Hm? Ohma, what do you mean? What does it have to do with trusting me?" He turned back to you, not saying anything at first. It took him a while to gather his words.
"Y/n—" CRASH!
You were immediately sent flying down onto the ground, Ohma on top of you, acting as a protective shield. Your head was spinning and you were confused on what had just happened. After a while of staying on the ground, Ohma rose up, helping you sit up as well. You looked over, seeing a giant boulder laying on your couch. What the fuck?! That could have killed you!
"Y/n L/n, listen to me. We have to get out of here and fast."
"What?! Ohma, what is going—"
"I knew this would happen, but Kazuo Yamashita didn't. They've already spotted us. Quick, we have to go. No time to explain." Before you could say anything more, you were being dragged by the hand out the back door, Ohma on guard the whole time. You were bare footed, your bare feet hitting the rough concrete as you were forced to run.
"Ugh, it hurts, it hurts!"
"Sorry. Just keep running." You listened, continuing to run. So many questions ran through your head. What was going on? Who were chasing after them? Why did they come after you? And most importantly, what was Ohma and Yamashita up to in order to get into this mess?! Surely you were to find out soon enough.

1,336 words.

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