Lights Out

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Reminder: Not related to the story.

"Ohma! Come on, hurry! I've been waiting forever to play this game," you called out, excited as you got everything together for the new board game you bought from the toy store the other day. Why did you go to the toy store? Well, something rare happened. There was a big sale on board and card games, and you took this as a chance to get something you and Ohma could do together. Sure you would have to explain every last instruction of the game in specific detail so he could understand how to play, but you knew it was worth it because of how competitive Ohma was.

Ohma finally made his way out of the kitchen and to the living room, holding a bag of jerky in his mouth, a cup of juice in each hand. Waddling over to the table, he'd set the cups down, taking a seat on the chair across from where you sat. "I'm telling you now, I'm not good at board games," he said, opening the bag of Jerky and beginning to eat a few pieces. You just smiled, picking up the cup of juice and taking a few sips before setting it down. "That's fine. Besides, games aren't about skill, they're about having fun. Though, it does feel good winning." You picked up the instruction paper that set on the side of the game, your eyes scanning over it. Ohma just watched as he continued to munch on his jerky. "I already know how to play the game, I just wanted to check back over the instructions to make sure I had everything down."

You rubbed your hands together, taking a final sip from the glass of juice, setting it back down, licking your bottom lip. "You ready to play?" you'd ask, your tone lifting a bit at the end which showed just how excited you were. Ohma picked up on it, deciding not to make you wait any longer, setting his snack to the side with a slight smirk on his face. "Only if you're ready." There it was, that competitive expression on his face. See, you knew it didn't matter if Ohma knew he wasn't good at something, he just always had the attitude that yelled "I'm gonna win!" You admired that about him, your own smile appearing as you picked up the dice. "Alright, guess I should wish us both good luck."

You were so close to winning that you could practically taste victory. Raising your hand, you shook the dice around, and right when you threw it—click. All the lights in the house turned off. You stayed still with your arm stuck in the air before you heard some shuffling, which startled you. "What was that?"
"It's just me, miss competitive."
"What'd you call me—nevermind. The lights went off, so now I can't even see! I was so close to winning, too," you complained.
"Yeah, it's obvious because I can't see either. Also, didn't you say games weren't about being competitive?"
"Shut up and turn the lights back on."
He chuckled in response, doing as told, going to find some emergency candles and lanterns he knew Yamashita kept around the house.

"I uh—don't be long! I don't wanna be left in the dark all alone." You'd hate to admit it, but you weren't a big fan of the dark. In fact, you hated it, you just weren't gonna tell Ohma that. He'd certainly tease you about it for the rest of your life...right?
"Looks like the power went out from a storm that's not even here yet," Ohma said as he had finally returned, finding you on the sofa under a blanket with your phone light on. "Y/n L/n, what are you doing?"
You jumped, pulling off the blanket, shining the phone towards the man who was standing over you with a pack of emergency candles and two lanterns. Letting out a breath, you brushed a hand over your forehead, looking up at Ohma who was just staring at you.

"I was just, uh, cold since the electric heater went out. That's all. Now give me that lantern." You reached out for the lantern, but Ohma drew his arm back so you couldn't grab it. "Hey! Stop messing with me and—"
"Are you scared, Y/n L/n?" You felt your face begin to heat up from the question, Ohma just continuing to eye your face, looking for an expression that confirmed he was correct. "Scared? No, I'm not scared! I just don't like being in the dark because I can't see."
"Mmm," he hummed, slowly handing you a lantern, which you took and immediately turned on by flicking the switch, since it was electric.
"As far as heat, there's nothing I can really do. You'll have to wrap up in a blanket or something."
"Wow, a way to treat a lady," you grumbled. Deep down you always knew men were useless. Unfortunately, Ohma heard you.

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