Chapter 5 - Explanation

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Warning: Mentions of blood.

Also! This may not follow the original storyline of the show/manga, but I only twisted it in order for it to fit the storyline that I want, so don't come for me. Consider it an AU if you will.

The two of you made it to a safe place—well, not safe but a place where the both of you could hide temporarily. You were out of breath, mainly from the anxiety you felt and the fear. You didn't know what the hell was going on! Ohma stood by you, silent as he put a hand on your shoulder in an attempt to calm you down.

"Ohma...what the hell is going on?" you finally asked, looking over at him, your breathing somewhat catching up. As usual, it took him a while to answer. From the look on his face, it seemed like he was becoming hesitant to tell you as he shuffled his feet a little.
"This...I'm not supposed to be telling you, y/n l/n, but it's the only way for you to be aware and stay safe." He took in a deep breath befor letting it out, the two of you now making eye contact. "This has everything to do with my retirement as a fighter and the Underground. There was a leak of what happened two years ago, in the Kengan Annihilation matches." You were still confused, the male catching on to your confusion and continuing on. "I'm now considered a waste, since I don't participate in any matches. You know my nickname, the Tiger's Vessel? Well, that very name is the reason why I'm being targeted."

"Hold on, I don't get it...a waste? The Underground? I'm not understanding any of this," you said.

"I thought so. There's a lot to what's going on and—"
"There you are." Another masculine voice interrupted Ohma's, the male immediately turning to where the voice was coming from. "Ohma Tokita, it's not like you to run."
"Who the hell are you?" Ohma asked, getting in his usual fighting stance. The man chuckled, coming a bit closer, now only a few feet away from the both of you.
"Don't worry, I don't want to fight. And..if you attack me, you'll have a way bigger problem." He pointed beyond Ohma's shoulder, the male looking back to see 12 other men emerging from the darkness of the abandoned building. He growled, looking over at you before looking back at the male in front of him. "I asked you a question. Who the hell are you and what do you want from me?"
"As of who I am, that information cannot be disclosed. What I want, I know you already have an idea." The man reached his hand out. "Join us, Ohma. Your power doesn't need to go to waste. With you on our side, we can take over the Kengan Association, leading to bigger opportunities! Let's work together, become a team. Leave your old life behind?"

"Old life? Heh. This is my new life. I solved my problems over two years ago." The male started to shuffle in his stance, fists in front of him, a slight smirk on his face. "But it seems like I have a new problem to deal with, so come on. Show me what you got, big man~" he spoke in a sing-song tone.
"This isn't about fighting. And as I said before, it's not a good idea, especially with her here." He was referring to you. You didn't make a single movement, just standing there, not wanting to bring even more attention to yourself.
"Oh? And why is that? Threatening me? Put a hand on her and I'll snap your spine like a twig." Damn, you knew Ohma was a bit protective over the ones he considered friends, but you didn't know he'd be that protective. "Ohma...I don't think fighting is a good idea. There's too many guys, they'll probably jump you!"

He didn't respond, still in his fighting stance. "Your skull is as thick as ever," the man said before stepping a little bit closer. "And you know what? That's what costed your master's life. It's your fault." There was no more discussion, a punch being thrown, landing on the side of the male's skull. That one move started a brawl, the other men rushing in to the fight. You were knocked over from one of the men running into you, falling to the floor with a thud, hitting your head on the concrete ground, causing your vision to go blurry from the impact. The only thing you could hear besides the ringing in your head was the sound of strong fists hitting sturdy flesh, along with the sound of blood being splattered over the concrete. The last thing you heard was your name being yelled before you passed out.

Timeskip. Everything is blurry, your head is spinning.

You hear the faint voice of someone calling your name. "Y/n....l/n.....Y/n!" You groaned, eyes fluttering open to see a figure with black hair above you. Was it...Ohma? You couldn't tell from how blurry your vision was.
"Ohma...? Is...that you?" you asked, feeling something cold being placed on the side of your head, setting on one of your temples.
"Are you in pain?" That was the clearest sentence you heard, simply shaking your head, which was a mistake. Your neck felt like it had a crook in it, the pain shooting up and down your spine, making you hiss in pain.
"Stay still. Just say yes or no." You were for sure it was Ohma by his voice and face.
"Yes, I'm in pain," you grumbled, your vision coming back. You were in a room on a bed, your head propped up on a few pillows. You looked past Ohma's shoulder to see a worried Mr. Yamashita with wide eyes.

"Oh good, she's awake! Miss L/n, are you alright?!" The man came over to the side of the bed, hands clenched into tight fists as he looked down at you, scanning your face. You smiled softly, not being able to help it. To be honest, it felt nice to have people so concerned about you. "I'm fine, just a little bruised up."

"Oh, I'm sorry about all this! Ohma told me everything and why he decided to tell you, so I don't mind. We just want you to be safe."
"I kicked their asses though, so they didn't get away unharmed. Think I broke one of their spines, so he should be paralyzed."
You shivered. Damn, how was he able to talk about what he did to those men so easily? Well, that was Ohma Tokita for you.
"Okay...well, that was a little brutal, but atleast I didn't get banged up without vengeance," you said with a soft chuckle, Ohma smiling a little. "They got what they deserved. Nobody messes with or threatens one of my friends without having to deal with me." Friends?! Did Ohma consider you a friend? The idea made you happy, but at the same time made your stomach feel funny, as if it dropped. 'Why do I feel like this? It can't be because I'm upset, is it?'

This feeling was so sudden and strange. Was it because you wanted him to consider you more than a friend, or was it because you didn't really have friends? You weren't able to say anything, your eyes locked on Ohma's. The two of you looked like you were having a staring contest, deep gray eyes meeting e/c ones. Soon, you broke the silence with a, "thank you. I appreciate it, really."

"No need to thank me. It's just what I do." Yamashita had a slight smile on his face. Nothing more he loved than seeing two young people get along together. This was a friendship that was destined to bloom into something beautiful. Of course, it would take time and patience, but he couldn't wait until the moment it blossomed.
"Say, you two, how about we get something to eat?"
"Sure, I can go for something to eat."
"Hehe...same here," you said. You were a bit hungry. Mr. Yamashita went to order the food you and Ohma agreed on having that night. Once the food got there, you, Ohma and Mr. Yamashita agreed on a movie to watch to go with your meal. You enjoyed your time there with the two men who seemed to enjoy your company just as much as you did theirs.

"Found them?"
"Indeed. This is the same place we've been spying on for days now. The Yamashita residence."
"Our hunch was correct." Two men with binoculars spied on Mr. Yamashita's house. They were hidden in a place where they couldn't be seen, using the binoculars to try and peek through the slightly cracked blinds. "What's the plan? Surely they're in there."
"We wait. Let them feel secure before we charge them."
"Isn't that gonna make us take longer than what we told the boss? Think about it, they're comfortable right now! If we charge in then—"
"Don't forget who was put in charge, idiot. I know what the hell I'm doing."
"Heh! How fucking pathetic!" The two men turned to see a hooded figure coming closer to them, the both of them standing on guard. "You two forget who I am already, eh? Stupid." The male pulled his hood back slightly, a wide smirk on his face, paired with black eyes and short, blonde spiked hair.
"Raian. The hell are you doing here?"
"Hold your horses and I'll tell you, cocksucker. No need to rush." He laughed. The other two were shocked. What was Raian Kure, one of the family members of the Kure clan, doing here? Certainly Erioh, the grandfather of the clan, wouldn't approve of this! Or...would he?
"Hold onto your hats, bitches, because I'm about to give you the opportunity of a life time!"

1,684 words.

Kengan Romance - Ohma Tokita x Reader story Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat