Chapter 7 - Blame

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Warning: There's a lot of self-blame in this chapter! If this is something you don't like/triggers you, please skip past Y/n's pov!

"Wait, what?!" Mr. Yamashita was surprised to see the two of you in the middle of his office, but was even more surprised by the words that left Ohma's lips. The old man swallowed thickly, looking over at Y/n, then back over at Ohma. Why? Why was this happening, and at this time? Kazuo already had to worry about Ohma getting jumped, but now he also had a young lady to worry about. "I'm so sorry that happened. Thank God you showed up in time, Ohma. If you hadn't, who knows what would have happened to Y/n."

"I know. I got there as fast as I could." The dark grey set of eyes set on Y/n who stood with her hands clenched by her sides. She seemed pretty shaken up, still. He couldn't blame her. So many thoughts, so many feelings. Tokita wished he could read her mind, and somehow take this burden off of her. But for now, all he could do was stand by her side and protect her. "They're targeting her since she associates with me. Kazuo Yamashita, that means they'll be targeting you as well. Common villain tactic." Y/n blew out a breath, taking a seat in the chair sitting in front of Kazuo's desk. She rested a hand on the side of her face, foot tapping on the carpeted floor out of anxiety. Why her? Why? Just why? She didn't do anything wrong to deserve this. Or did she? Maybe this was all her fault. If only she hadn't gone out that night. If only she had just called an Uber instead of being so thick headed. "Just a few minute walk." Yeah, right, and a lot happened in those few minutes. How agitating.

"Y/n L/n, are you okay?" She was snapped out of her thoughts, turning to look at Ohma who asked her the question. "Oh—yeah, yeah. I'm good. Everything is good. In fact, I think that I feel a lot better. Besides, no reason to be afraid when you'll protect me, right?" Lies. Mr. Yamashita excused himself to get the two some water, stepping out the office and leaving the two of you alone.
"Why do you feel the need to lie? I can tell you're not okay. Lying isn't gonna make anything better." He came over to stand in front of the girl, crossing his arms and giving the young lady a stern look. Y/n looked up at him, her breath hitching from how intimidating Tokia could be. He never showed such an attitude toward her, so this was the first time she'd encounter one of his many sides. She was soon to learn that—"Lying is one of my biggest pet peeves, Y/n." Lying? What?! Did he really think she was lying? Okay, rude, even though it was the truth.

Y/n POV:

"What? Are you trying to say I'm lying? Why can't you just take my word? Besides, I don't want to worry you. You have enough to be concerned about." I just don't want to cause any extra stress for anyone. It was bad enough Ohma had to worry about me, but he also had to protect me and figure out what in the hell was going on. I wish I could just remove myself from this situation, but it wasn't going to be easy. I didn't have enough money to just pack up and move. I was just a college student surviving on cheap ramen and occasional thrift shopping. Yes, I could get an extra job to earn more cash, but I wouldn't have enough time to study. As far as borrowing money from family members and friends to move? That wasn't gonna happen. Nope. I'm stuck.

"Why don't you stop worrying about other people for once and focus on yourself? This isn't a situation for you to stress out about me having too much on my plate, or Yamashita. Your life is on the line." I felt my heart sink to my stomach from those words, body feeling weak. I was lucky I was seated, or else my knees probably would have buckled. "It's the truth. I can't sugar coat anything, and I won't. That lying is going to have to end here and now."
"You already know how I feel, so why even ask?! You know what I feel like?! A burden! Luggage! An extra! And it's my fault that I'm in this damned situation in the first place!" I stood from my seat, almost toppling over my own feet, holding onto the back of the chair for support. "You have no idea how many times I've blamed myself for what happened that night. It's every day that I think about it, and the what-ifs. I could have lost my life, and it's all because of how much of an idiot I am!" I felt my eyes begin to sting, and that painful tightening within my throat made me gasp. A break down. Great. "Now...I have to deal with being hunted down by some guys I don't even know. Who I've never...m-met in my entire life?!" Using the sleeves of my jacket, I wiped away the tears that threatened to fall down my cheeks.

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