Chapter 9 - The Enemy

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"Remind me why you had to come along with me to grab a package out the mailbox." Ohma had been following you around a lot, and everywhere you went, he came running. Well, not really running, but he was quick to get on your tail. Look, either way, it was starting to get on your nerves. This wasn't like him. He was never this clingy, or clingy at all. So what was his deal?

"I'm not coming along with anyone. I'm just getting some air," he replied without looking at you, a clear indicator that he was lying.
"Yeah, uh huh. Well, you literally followed me to the mailbox. If that were true, you could have just came out and sat on the porch."
"I wanted to go on a short walk."
"The mailbox isn't that far from the house. That's barely a walk."
"That's why I said I wanted to go on a short walk."
You just gave him a look that read 'im not dealing with your shit today' before closing the mailbox and heading back to the house, Ohma following you once again. "Maybe he just feels a little lonely. He does spend most of his time to himself," you thought, and decided to just leave the man be in his ways of following you like a lost puppy.

*Some time later...*

"Okay, now this is getting out of hand."
"What do you mean 'what'?! You seriously just followed me to the bathroom!"
With nothing but a towel wrapped around you, you stood there holding the handle to the door as if you were going to close it so Ohma couldnt come in as he stood there.
"No I didn't."
"Ohma, stop it. What's going on with you? You've been following me all day. I get if you feel lonely, and that's fine, but coming with me to the bathroom isn't."
The man's shoulders seemed to have become heavier as he slouched a little. His eyes shifting to the floor as his hands rested lazily in his pockets. Guilt? It could be. You probably think he's annoying now, all because of his own fear. The fear that if he left you alone for one second, he'd lose you.
"Nothing," the man finally replied, glancing up at you through black locks of hair. "Sorry for bothering you." And with that, he walked off, leaving you there even more concerned. You called for him to return, but he didn't even look your way. Were you too harsh on him? Maybe there was something wrong and being around you comforted him. "I'll find out what's going on later." Closing the door, you went to turn on the shower to get yourself washed up.

                        Ohma's POV

I'm being too clingy. Now I've annoyed Y/n, all because I can't let go of this fear. "What if another rock is thrown through the window? What if someone's watching? What if I haven't made a decision fast enough, and they've decided to come and harm Y/n and Kazuo Yamashita? What if—"
"Ohma, are you alright?"
I was snapped out of my thoughts by none other than Kazuo Yamashita. I must've looked pretty stressed, because he had concern written all over his face. Setting myself back on the couch, a huff escaped my chest. I knew I couldn't lie. This man could see right through me. He always did, never fails. In the beginning I was able to lie and get him to leave it alone, but as time went on, it became impossible to pretend around him. He wouldn't let up until I told him the truth. But sometimes the truth was worth hiding. I'll have to atleast try to get him to bug off.

"I'm fine. Just feeling a little tired, that's all."
"Well, if that's the case, you've been tired a lot recently. Are you feeling sick? You haven't been yourself."
Damn, Yamashita. It's like you've been watching me like a hawk. Well, you have, if you can notice my change in behavior. I've always been told I was a guy who was hard to read, yet, you read me like an open book.
"Damn. Can a guy just not be tired?" I could feel my lips tugging upwards in the slightest, but I didn't fight it. Yamashita came and sat down on the couch inches away from me with a sigh. I knew that sometimes I could worry him. I just hope it never got to the point it stressed him out.
"You know you can tell me anything, right? Come on. You haven't been like yourself lately."
"Kazuo Yamashita, I told you already, I'm fi—"
"No you're not. Ever since you read that letter—or saw...whatever was in that mailbox, you—"
"Who said anything about a letter, Kazuo Yamashita?"

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