Chapter 10 - Fighting for you

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Okay! So here's the new chapter after like what...? I forgot. Anyways, fc/n stands for 'fictional character name', just a heads up. Also, this chapter is gonna be shorter.


"I have to get this plushie of (fc/n)! It's so cute!" you announced to your friends excitedly as you went around the store with them, looking for other things to fangirl over. Sure enough, you found a shirt with that favorite fictional character on it, nearly squealing as you walked over to it, seeing if they had your size. They only had one left in your size. Lucky you!
"You sure like (fc/n) don't you?" one of your friends questioned with a laugh as they also had an arm full of things they liked of their favorite character.
"You're one to talk." You rolled your eyes, going over to the counter once you had everything you wanted, another one of your friends accompanying you. The others were still trying to figure out what they wanted to buy.
"We can go get some ice cream together. They still can't decide what they want. Y'know how they are."
"I swear they're just copy and paste." The both of you shared a laugh, paying for your stuff and walking out after informing the others on where you were going.

As you guys were making your way to the nearby ice cream shop in the mall, you saw a face that looked familiar. A good familiar? No. You saw that face before, and your blood began to run cold. A menacing grin and bulging eyes. But it was only for a second, and as soon as someone walked past you, they were gone. Any guess who it was? The man who tried to attack you at your school. What the hell was he doing here? No, no. Maybe it was a figment of your imagination, yeah?

"(Y/n)...Hey! Earth to (Y/n)? Are you listening to me?" You snapped out of it, turning your attention to your friend who seemed to be concerned, standing there with their hands on their hips. "Are you okay? You just kind of blanked out on me. Something up?"
"No, no! I'm sorry. I'm fine, I just thought I saw someone familiar."
"Ooh! Is it a crush?" A crush? Ohma was nowhere near-I mean, no! Just the thought of his name made your cheeks feel warmer than usual as you looked away from your friend who was awaiting your answer. "No, dumbass. Even if I had one, why would they be here?"
"I don't know. Probably want to go shopping?"
"You're going to make me punch you."

The two of you went to get some ice cream, and soon, the rest of your friends caught up and you guys continued your lovely day hanging out at the mall. In total, you guys spent around three hours at the mall. You tried so hard to distract yourself from earlier when you saw that familiar, traumatizing face. It popped up in your head every five minutes or so, and honestly, it was worrying you. Maybe your spirit was trying to tell you something. Maybe you were really in danger. "I really hope I'm just imaging things," you whispered to yourself, smiling when your friends asked if you were okay. "Yes, I'm fine! Let's go to the next store. I'm not spending any more money, but window shopping is good, too." And you guys were off. Maybe you just needed to relax. Besides, your friends were here and you were having so much fun!

Little did you know, you were being watched. It wasn't just your imagination, it was real. You were in great danger.


"You think you can just show up here and cause her harm while her guard is down?!" Ohma had the man from earlier hemmed up in a dead part of the mall where no one went anymore. His fists clutched the man's collar of his dirtied jacket, and he had this look of pure rage displayed on his features. It was safe to say Ohma Tokita was pissed off. "Well, tough luck! You're not gonna do shit while I'm here, you got it?!" The deranged man had his hands up, his cracked lips turning upwards into a sneer, showing off his crooked and yellow teeth. Geez, did this guy know what personal hygiene was? It didn't phase Ohma, though. He's seen worse. They guy had stringy, greasy and messy brown hair and was sweating without even swinging a fist.

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