Chapter 6 - Confrontation

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"I'm heading out!" Today was a monday morning, a fresh start to the week, and like every Monday, you had college classes to get to.
"Miss L/n, are you sure you don't want me to take you to school? It won't be a problem! I can take a shortcut to get to work," Mr. Yamashita offered with a piece of toast in his hand he was eating for breakfast.
"No, I'm sure. I'll be okay, I promise!" You grabbed whatever you needed for school, heading to the door when you were stopped by Ohma.
"Y/n L/n, I'll take you to school." He opened the door for you, stepping out.
"Oh, no! You don't have to take me to school, Ohma. I'll be fine on my own—"
"Let's go." That was an order, and you could tell by his firm tone. He was not going to let you go alone to school. It was either you went with him or you were to stay home.
"Okay, uh...fine." You came out with him and the two of you headed to your school.

"Soooooo, what made you want to take me to school, Ohma?" you asked the man who lazily trudged beside you. He glanced over at you, shrugging his shoulders.
"Not sure. Maybe it's the fact that I'm a target now and that means you could be potentially be one, too." Well, that was answer! But it didn't make you feel secure at all. You were expecting him to say something like, "Just to protect you," or, "just to be with you a little longer," but no. Perhaps it was still the same thing as him wanting to protect you? Surely, it was worded differently—way differently, but it was still the same thing. "If you just wanted to protect me, you could have just said that," you mumbled quietly, but the man's hearing was too on point. He laughed a little to himself, shaking his head. "I have a feeling you've been wanting me to take you to school anyway. Take you there like a knight to your princess." You felt the tips of your ears heat up, clicking your tongue. You didn't really say anything to him for the rest of the walk.

~~Time skip because I'm lazy!~~

Ohma had dropped you off at school and went back to Mr. Yamashita's house. When he got there, he saw two hooded figures standing on the porch. The two were bulky in build, and he could tell even from the baggy clothes they were wearing. All that didn't matter, though. Who were these two, and why were they at Mr. Yamashita's door?
"Hey," he called out as he approached the steps of the porch, the two turning to face him, "can I help you?"
"Who the hell are you?" one of the men asked, shoving his hands in his pockets. "Last I heard of, an old man lived here."
Heard of? What was he talking about?
"Last you heard of? Why would an old man living here be of any importance to you?" He was now on one of the first steps of the porch. "Look. Tell me what you're here for. It's best you do before you piss me off."
The two men looked at eachother then back at Ohma, starting to laugh as if he told the most hilarious joke they've ever heard. The hell was so funny?
"Look, buddy, I think it's best if you were the one to piss of here. What? You a neighborhood watchdog or somethin'? Get lost before you get hurt, pal."
Ohma gave an unamused glare, clicking his tongue.
"Yeah, bozo! Why don't you piss the hell off before we give your ass a real good whooping?!"
"Sorry, Kazuo Yamashita," Ohma whispered to himself, drawing his hands from his pockets and cracking his knuckles, "but looks like things are going to have to get a bit dirty."

"Ohoho! You must really be itching for an ass beating, pal!"
"My name isn't 'pal'. My name," Tokita began, running up the steps in a flash. He was now only a few feet in front of the larger hooded man who was talking a lot of shit, his fist cranked back, "My name is Ohma Tokita." Crack! His fist made contact with the man's jaw, the impact so powerful it immediately knocked him down. He wasn't the tiger's vessel for nothing.

"Hey! Wait a minute! Did you just say your name is Ohma...Ohma Tokita?!"
"The one and only," he replied with a plain face. He backed the man up as he walked toward him, a smirk appearing on his face. "What's wrong? You seem scared. What happened to all the shit you talked about earlier. What was that? You were gonna beat my ass, right?" The hooded man was now backed up against the wall, throat bobbing as he swallowed out of nervousness.
"I can't move, and all of a sudden, I'm shaking! No way. This can't be. I'm not really scared of this guy, am I?!" the figure thought to himself, seeing his much more bulkier partner begin to rise to his feet. This gave him a boost of confidence, and that yellow, gapped tooth smirk appeared back on his face.
"Don't count your eggs before they hatch, Tokita!"
Ohma ducked down from the heavy fist that attempted to crack him in the side of the head from behind. These guys are dirty fighters. A swift kick was delivered to the bulkier guy. He knew to take him down first since he was the guy with enough balls to take him on. The other one was like a puppet, not being able to move without orders from his master. Honestly, it was pathetic, and it was something for Ohma to laugh at later on.

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