Chapter 11 - Run

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Y/n and her friends decided they had enough window shopping after a while and began to make their way to the exit they entered from earlier. By this time, Y/n was even more on edge. No matter how hard she tried to push the negative thoughts away, they just seemed to resurface and became even harder to get rid of. It was like trying to swat away a bunch of bees when you were covered with the scent of flowers. You can't get away. Her friends expressed their concern for her over and over, but she was quick to knock everything. Was she stressed about something? No. Didn't get enough sleep? No. Feeling sick? No. Worried about next month's bills? No.

"Okay, guys, I appreciate you being worried about me but don't you think that's enough questions? Just take my word. I'm fine, and if I wasn't, I would've told you." It was clear she was getting frustrated, but her friends decided to just drop it. As they progressed on their way out the door, her steps became more delayed, and soon she was way behind them. She didn't care to catch up though, since she already said her goodbyes. Plus she could always text them to make sure they got back home okay. "I have a headache." She sighed, taking out her phone and scrolling through it mindlessly as she made her way to her car. "Hm, that's weird.." She paused once she made it to the vehicle, tilting her head to the side and noticing that it seemed a bit off, leaning to the side. Shit, did she have a flat? "I just had air put in the other day. Did the screw come off?" She walked over and kneeled down to get a closer look at the completely flattened tire, then scanned over the ground for the missing cap. But she couldn't find one.

"Huh that's...weird..." That's when she spotted something off about the tire, right on the side. It sent chills up her spine when she found out that the cap of the wheel didn't come off, but the tired had been slashed with a blade. This was done intentionally, and she knew immediately that the feeling she had earlier wasn't just paranoia. Y/n quickly got to her feet and made a quick get away from the car, dialing 9-1-1 and running in the direction she saw her friends go earlier. When the dispatcher answered the call, she was quick to give her location and the situation. "Please hurry. I've had a feeling I was being watched before I knew this even happened. I don't have any more time to explain, just get here!"

After she hung up, her next objective was to remain safe until the cops arrived. She called her friends when she didn't see them, but none of them answered. Great, great! This was a fucking horror movie situation, but the only thing was it was real, and she was beginning to freak out. "Okay, phew..don't panic...I've got to find somewhere to go. Not back to the mall. They're probably waiting there." She scanned her surroundings but found it hard to figure things out since her eyes began to water, quickly wiping the tears away with her sleeves. "Not now. Not now! Fuck! Stop crying, this isn't..the time..!" She tried her best but she couldn't help it. The fear set in and it began to consume her, making it impossible to think clearly. That wasn't good when you're walking in the parking lot of a busy mall.

A car came to a screeching halt upon seeing the panicked woman, almost hitting her. She let out a scream and was quick to move out the way, her breath picking up as she muttered out a quick apology and began to run once again. Several more cars were forced to come to a stop to avoid hitting her, horns blaring and people giving her glares and even shouting out the window at her.
"I'm sorry, damnit! Just watch where the fuck you're going!" Y/n wasn't usually the type to snap—(I'm sorry if you are it just goes with the emotions building up in the scene)—but right now it felt like the world was on her shoulders and everyone was against her. No one understood her situation. Why didn't anyone pull over to stop and help? Couldn't anyone see she was in distress? This world was fucked up.

"I just wanna go home, wanna go home, go home, go home! Why me?" Today was really not her day. Y/n ran into someone and was quick to back up, looking up from the ground and blinking away the fat tears that welled up in her eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I—"
"Are you okay young lady? You seem panicked."
Y/n shook her head, just backing up a bit more and avoiding all eye contact.
"I'm fine—I'll be fine I just need help. I-..I called the police already, my tires were slashed, I'm being followed! My friends..they already left and now I'm here all alone I don't know what to do!"
The middle aged frail man she was telling all this to stood there with a look of concern on his face, reaching a hand out and placing it on her shoulder.
"Hey, just look at me. Take some deep breaths, okay?" The first thing to do was to get the young woman to calm down as she was on the verge of hyperventilating, trembling on her own two feet.
"I've never been in this situation—well, something similar, I was robbed, but from my experience I can give you some advice, and that'"

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