Part 1- Once Upon A Time

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Aubrey's POV:

"The year was 1757.

Storm clouds were brewing over the Indian subcontinent. France, Bengal and the English East India Company were at each other's throats, as an aftermath of the imperial policy of the English East India Company, with Bengal, the most powerful provincial state of the Indian empire, being the target of their focal point of power. Of course, the French wanted to join in. As did the Portuguese.

Chaos and anarchy were the order of the day in Bengal.

'So I guess it's only you then? The last man standing. Close your eyes, Aarush. You don't want me to shoot you with your eyes open.'

'NOOOOO', Aubrey screamed and dashed out of the blue and placed herself between Aarush and the General.

'If you kill him, you must kill me too.' she said.

'Are you mad? Go. Leave. It's fine, alright? Live for both of us. It's fine. I love you. Please don't do this.' Aarush said.

'Don't be naive, my little sister! Gentlemen, take her away from him!' the Lord ordered.

'No, no, Aarush.....'

They kissed for one last time, before Aubrey was pulled apart from him.

She begged on her knees to her brother, the Lord-General of the English East India Company.

'I am with child. Aarush is the father. Please don't do this. I cannot live without him. If you kill him, you kill me too. You are taking three lives at once.'

'Yes, but you should understand. If I don't kill him, I don't ascertain my powers. So I must. Yes, it's a little morally degrading I know. But, the imperial policies of the English East India Company show no leniency, Aubrey. You must understand that....'

All of a sudden, Aubrey grabbed his revolver and rushed to Aarush.

'Remember how you said if it's true love, Hindu mythology states that we will be reborn in every life as lovers?' Aubrey asked Aarush.

'Yes. But listen to me. You stop this nuisance. Think about our child. Go. Please. If you love me truly, let me go. I can't serve him or the Company. I court death. I am fearless. I don't even have any weapons now.'

'No. I cannot live to see you die at his hands. I simply cannot. I love you. I love you so much. Promise me something?'

'Anything, my love, anything.'

'You will come back to me in the next life? We will meet again?'

'Promise. I love you.'

'Forgive me, Aarush. You know how much I love you. I won't let you be tortured and killed by them. Forgive me..' Aubrey was sobbing now.

'For what?' Aarush asked.

Bang! Aubrey shot him.

'Thank you, love. This is much more peaceful. I love you.'

'Wait..' Aubrey stressed.

Bang! Another gun-shot fired. Aubrey shot herself.

'I am here too, my love.' she said.

'I love you', they said in unison, before drawing their final breath, their lips still connected and fingers still entangled.

The British defeated the army commandered by Aarush, thus defeating the Nawab Of Bengal, Siraj-ud-Daulah, and seized control of Bengal, thereby starting their long, 250-year reign on India. The battle is forever recorded in history books as the great Battle Of Plassey, but what it didn't record was a tragic love story and a massively brutal conspiracy. Aarush was failed by the army. Somebody must have betrayed him. Somebody from inside the army. Most people pin the blame on the army commander Mir Jafar for the anonymous tip-off to the British. Some say they have no clue. But in the end, I guess we will never find out for sure who betrayed him. It is said that Aarush had a tedious love-affair with Aubrey Clive, who was the Lord General Robert Clive's sister. A love affair which was so tedious that Aubrey was even pregnant with his child. It is widely believed that their bodies couldn't even be separated after death. But heh? What do we know? It can obviously all be myth. All I do know for sure is that Robert Clive failed to prevent his sister from falling in love with his arch-enemy and one of the bravest men in all of history, Aarush Pratap Sen." The Professor finished reading finally.

"And class, this is what you're doing for your homework assignments. I merely cited this as an example. You'll look up history, surf any proper incident of historical significance and write it down, in your own version of narration about the incident. For example, the conversation that I wrote down is merely my imagination of what went down on that fateful night on the battlegrounds of Plassey in 1757. Do submit your assignments by next Thursday. Anybody found not doing so, will be giving their end-semester exams out of 180, instead of the regular 200. In short, that's a zero out of 20 in your Assignments section, in case you failed to understand me." The Professor of Medieval History declared finally.

As soon as he had finished, there was an "awww hell naaww" sort of disapproval from the class.

Phew! Medieval History was boring as fuck. Being an American, what the fuck am I supposed to do with what happened between the English East India Company and India? The only reason I paid minimum attention was because of me sharing my name with the female protagonist of the Professor's silly, made-up story. It was finally time for me to recall the events of the day.....

I again dreamt that stupid dream..


Beep! Beep! Beep! The clock barked.

"Wake up, sunshine." Mom's sweet-as-nectar voice called out. "Another one of your nightmares?"

"Damn, it's morning already? Good mornnnnniinnng, Mom!" I yawned.

"C'mon already, it's your first day of college. You're gonna be late. I'll drive you. Afterall, it's a fresh start and the miseries of school life are over. I'm so very excited!" Mom pranced around.

"Jeez Mom, you seem more excited than I am." I said bluntly.

"I should be! C'mon now honey, brush your teeth, freshen up and dress up before I drag your ass off to college. And hey, I have a surprise for you when you get home." She said, with a massive grin.

As much as the prospect excited me, I felt equally disgusted by the idea of still going through the rigors of 4 years of education. Hell, I was more excited about Mom's surprise than college. Anyway, I finally dragged my body away from the bed. I brushed my teeth, combed and styled my hair and put on a set of colored denims and a blue and white-striped top. I didn't even apply the mascara properly for I didn't feel the need to impress any crazy-ass, sexually-charged dude at college. I stared back at my pretty face at the mirror. No wonder that even my 13-year-old cousin fell for that face. He had to be literally counselled. But thank God, he was over me now. No weird pecks on the lips anymore. Only hugs. Besides, he has a girlfriend now too. Sweet Jeez, some people start early.

[Author: Pic at the top depicts Aubrey's look]

Another missed call. Pete.

Oh!! That reminded me. Pete. Such a pathetic excuse of a boyfriend. I only kept up with him because I had to stop the growing rumors circulating that I'm a lesbian and wanted nothing to do with men as I was still a virgin. In fact, I haven't even kissed a man (or woman or any living person whatsoever) (or non-living too). I knew I was perfectly attracted to men. Just that the right man hasn't come along yet. It's tough, I know, for when you're beautiful, guys, well, being guys, will literally do anything just to get in your pants.

The only problem however lies with the mere fact that I have never been in love. Yes, I know that sucks. But to be freaking honest, I'm a tough nut to crack and not easily impressed by brash blonde guys smoking weed and stuff. Being one of the prettiest, if not the prettiest girls in the neighborhood, I was generally approached by school sports team captains and the likes, but most, almost all, of them went home disappointed. Pete was the best of the lot and somehow I had to say "yes" to keep my homosexual rumors away.

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