Part 14- Twice Upon A Time: Snow White

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Josh's POV:

"GET DOWN, SIR!!!" I screamed my lungs out.

Gunshots were flying everywhere. People were shouting all around us.

"GOD DAMN IT!" I missed him by a whisker.

"Welcome to Heathrow", the gigantic electronic sign-board at the airport declared.

"Indeed", I thought to myself.

Within an hour of course, I landed up in Scotland Yard for an investigation by the police. The conversation went outrageously British (I finally felt at home with my ethnic Londoner's English accent) and it went as follows..

"Are you mad? Opening fire on seventy million people in one of the busiest airport terminals in the world? What did I tell you about poaching on our turf, eh?" the sub-ordinator of police, James Ollivander said.

"Kiss your snatch goodbye, mate." I replied calmly.

"O a'right. Is that going to be your final answer then?" Jimmy asked.

"Pardon me, chaps. I haven't got all day. I'm afraid I'm not shagging with your mind, mate." I replied.

"Speak up. You wouldn't want us to be charged with harassing a bloody ex-MI6 agent. We are prepared to skin the cat differently as well."

"Sod off. It's not like you got something better to do all day, you daft git."

"You're a nasty little snitch, aren't you? Working for the CIA right underneath my nose? Seems like we have to teach you a lesson." Jimmy said.

"Blimey. My ol' man used to say that. Look where that got me. Make hay while the sun shines, the lot of you. As usual, you arrived at the wrong conclusion. I am independent. As I were, always."

"I see the look of pity in your eyes as you say it. I proclaim all your words to be folly."

"Meanwhile our enemies are bearing down upon us."

"Something is dodgy. Every bobby in London is out scouring the street urchins for you. And yet here you are."

"All fresh and fine. I beat the bejesus out of 'em spies anyway."

There was a beeping sound of a text message and Alastair interfered in our conversation. "Shit. Josh was right, Sir. The Metropolitan Police says that the man was indeed running away with a bagful of medallions."

"Who's antiquated now, Jimmy? We are all buggered." I said.

"Unless I were to release you." Jimmy said.

"Oi, look chaps! Ol' boy has finally got his brains back." I said, to smiles all around.

"Can you promise to terminate him though? The man responsible for the blast?"

"I am working outside the law, Jimmy. What do you guess? I am not MI6, CIA or FBI. I am Josh."

"In that case, it seems we have only wasted your time."

"Indeed, yes."

"This tooth is much deeper now, Josh. You be careful out there."

And with that said, he released me.

"Do you really wish to cling your faith on to him? What makes you so confident that he can do something which we cannot?" sub-inspector Will asked Jimmy.

"Because, Willy, my friend.... Experience is no guarantee of success." I replied.

"And also because... Josh is no 007 from a movie. But he gets the job done and has been our most brilliant agent, perhaps one of the finest in our history too." Jimmy said.

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