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Hey people!
Sorry for taking so long to update! But I updated with 3 chapters, so hope you'll be happy. Besides, life is very busy. And it takes more time for an author to write than a reader to read. So I implore all my readers to be appreciative of my work and not just read, but actually be appreciative by giving me their votes and feedbacks. :D
Alright, now the story is moving at a threatening pace.
Also, it felt great to use British English after quite a while.
Having spent quite a lot of time in England (my second home), I might sound biased but the English accent, the ethnic Middlesex Londoner's accent is very charming indeed. :D
Good God, I love that country and cannot wait to return there. :)

It was a surprise that none of you could guess correctly as to how Josh survived the blast. But I appreciate your efforts nonetheless. You are all very smart people, but you overlooked a key point in the plot it seems.

Please guys, keep on voting and commenting on the story. I'm extremely apprehensive of the outcome of this. I need your blessings. :) Just do this small thing and take a little time out of your busy lives to go through the story. I'm pretty sure all of you will find it thoroughly captivating and engrossing.
That will be all this month.
Till next time, Godspeed and I love all of you.
P.S. I do actually check out the works of all those who check out mine. :)

Stay tuned for what happens next! :)

I implore you to leave your votes and comments, at least appreciation in some form. Please don't just be silent readers. Whether or not I continue with the story depends solely on your show of appreciation. :/ As a reader, the least you can do to show appreciation is a few simple votes and comments which don't even take so much of time as it does for an author who's taking an enormous amount of his time out of his daily life and schedule to compose stories, that too for the love and enjoyment of his readers. Surely, the readers shouldn't be so selfish as to read but show no appreciation whatsoever for the author who does everything for them only. :/
Do leave your votes and comments! :)

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