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Hey buddies, I'm just starting out. I'm completely amateur unlike most of you. :/ So please do tell me where I'm going wrong if I'm going wrong somewhere. :) Also, my way of writing might resemble more of a British pattern. But I can't help it as I've never been to the US. I've absolutely no idea about the way of living over there or anywhere else in the world too. But it's essential for the plot that I set it in the US. Thus, any of you, anybody having any sort of opinion is more than welcome to comment or message. It will only help me move forward. Again I apologize if I went wrong anywhere regarding the American lifestyle. All I've learnt about the US is mostly via Hollywood and TV soaps and serials. I know most of them don't depict the right picture, but I'm still trying my best. It's my first endeavor as an author. You're all welcome to criticise. Constructive criticism is cool. And do tell me if you've liked the story so far. It hasn't even begun and there will be heaps of turns and twists. Most will be too unpredictable to fathom. The story should be engrossing. And please do comment or message. I generally don't beg people for comments and stuff, but if you're composing stories, you need them all the time. You're all fabulous writers yourselves. And yes, I will check out all stories of all the people who do comment or message. If there's anybody who needs any humble suggestion from me on any story, I'll be more than glad to help. You're some of the most talented people of the planet. Thank you guys. Godspeed. That will be all this week. I'll be back next weekend I promise. Life in a fast lane! ;)
P.S. Much of Josh's character is based on myself, including his conscience and looks. So, just ignore the similarities. :D
Do leave your votes and comments! :)

I implore you to leave your votes and comments, at least appreciation in some form. Please don't just be silent readers. Whether or not I continue with the story depends solely on your show of appreciation. :/ As a reader, the least you can do to show appreciation is a few simple votes and comments which don't even take so much of time as it does for an author who's taking an enormous amount of his time out of his daily life and schedule to compose stories, that too for the love and enjoyment of his readers. Surely, the readers shouldn't be so selfish as to read but show no appreciation whatsoever for the author who does everything for them only. :/

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