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Guys, seriously, do comment. I will update whenever possible. The story hasn't even started properly yet. It only gets darker and more mysterious. I will make sure you can't take your eyes off any chapter. And yes, the pace is picking up gradually as you can see. But it only takes 30 seconds or 60 at the very most to comment. It doesn't consume so much of your time as composing a story does. It sucks if you're so new here (as me, as in, 7 days new) and that too, amongst such elite authors. I have gone on record to say I love criticism. Or praise. Or anything for that matter will do. :/ So please leave your votes and comments. May the force be with you. ;)
P.S. I would like to dedicate the 8th Part to Debasmita and Sinjini, two of the most wonderful people I've known. Although they have no connection with my love life whatsoever, their ethnic Bengali and unique names play an important role in the storyline. Debasmita has actually been my bff for the past 17 years counting (I'm 19 and yup, that's how long I've known her), while me and Sinjini have drifted apart over time owing to irreconcilable differences.

I implore you to leave your votes and comments, at least appreciation in some form. Please don't just be silent readers. Whether or not I continue with the story depends solely on your show of appreciation. :/ As a reader, the least you can do to show appreciation is a few simple votes and comments which don't even take so much of time as it does for an author who's taking an enormous amount of his time out of his daily life and schedule to compose stories, that too for the love and enjoyment of his readers. Surely, the readers shouldn't be so selfish as to read but show no appreciation whatsoever for the author who does everything for them only. :/
Do leave your votes and comments! :)

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