Part 5- The Fight

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Josh's POV:

She's really interesting. She has got some secrets of her own too. Though I couldn't really discover what. Gosh, Bree's so pretty. I would date her. I can marry a girl like her. But she just needs to stop chirping all the time. That's cute though. It's so obvious she has a thing for me. I've got a thing for her too. But hopefully, she doesn't know. Besides, I can't fall in love. I shouldn't fall in love. The last time I did....


"Hey watch where you're going, douchebag!" shouted one of the boys from what I deduced was the brash guy group of frat bullies.

"I forgive you." I said.

"What? You forgive us? What the hell do you mean, jerk? So what's your story? Couldn't you find whores where you were? You need bitches? You can hire mine. I have loads. I recently dumped one that I owned. And ummm, by the way, you wouldn't mind if I borrowed your expensive jacket, would you?" The leader of the pack said. I noticed Pete too in the group, smirking away.

"I'm Jack. Bitches call me Big Jack. Now give me the jacket, will you?" He placed his hands on my jacket.

"Get your hands off me, Jack-ass," I said coldly.

No sooner had I finished saying this than I heard hoots and whistles. Well, it seemed that an entire crowd had gathered. And they were on my side. Not surprisingly.

"You do know there are five of us and you are alone, right? You're tall. Strong. But you don't stand shit when it's five against one."

I didn't say anything. Just gave them a cold stare. Jack immediately removed his hand.

"Whoa! Don't kill me by staring at me!" His gang sneered.

Calls of "Fight! Fight!" grew stronger. But I stormed away. They weren't worth it.

The mini-crowd was disappointed.

"Yeah, wet your pants. Better run home and be a chicken." He shouted.

I gave him one last stare. That seemed to scare the fuck out of him.

"What's with the lot of you? Go back to your classes!" screamed a professor coming through.

"Good afternoon, Prof. O' Donnelly!", some of the students greeted him.

I headed to my Applied Physics class. And then it was followed by Calculus. And it was time for lunch. I didn't make any friends obviously. A girl named Rebecca Garner befriended me. She wore specs, and although she looked nerdy, she was cool and made some witty remarks occasionally when the class would get boring. She looked pretty even with her glasses though. Most of the people I came across were good-looking. America is a beautiful country. I also made friends with a handsome African-American guy named Joe Dawes. He was the only guy I came across so far who was taller than me.

But then again, I believe I don't have any friends.

And so it was lunchtime.

Rebecca and Joe were about to join me at the same time as Kelly-Anna, Ryan and Bree. They all introduced themselves to each other and shared many a laugh. I was having my lunch quietly.

"So, Josh.... " Bree said.

"So what?"

"Nothing. It's just that I sometimes forget that you can speak." They all had a huge laugh over it.

I simply gave them a "duh" like expression.. When....

"Hey hey, look who it is! It's Mr. Grey!! Get your ass out of here and run back to wherever you came from. Let's have curry! My ass is on fire from all that curry!" Jack-ass made all sorts of weird expressions.

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