Part 9- Weird Aubrey

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Josh's POV:

"Hi Josh, what's with the snooping around?" came a familiar yet disoriented voice.

I turned around from Bree's locker, only to find Bree lurking in the corner. Yes, she was lurking around in perhaps the darkest corner of the college. She had a mystical appearance about her. She seemed like she's high, extremely high on drugs. But she didn't smell like it. And she was kinda bobbing her head around from left to right and back.

Gosh, didn't she look scary.

Why was I going through Bree's locker? Well, the second day at college wasn't too eventful. But I did figure out a couple of things about Bree.

A) She had a secretive past.

B) She was hiding something.

I couldn't stop thinking about her even if I tried. And so, the agent I used to be, I decided to check it out myself. I needed to learn more about her if I wanted to trust her.

Although it doesn't give me any right whatsoever to go through the contents of a girl's locker, I didn't feel embarrassed. I needed to find out more about her because I.... alright I admit it, I like her. And something in her own personal life was also bothering her although she won't share what. Something was hidden in her locker. I wonder what. When this happened..

"Well.... Hi.. Aubrey.. I was just.."

I was cut off midway. She almost slithered in from the corner. Her hair was swayed to one side, leaving one half of her face completely covered and the other half.. Holy shit! Alright. She was officially creeping me out. She completely looked like a dead character straight out of a typical Hollywood horror film or even worse, a Grudge or The Ring movie.

Her complexion was an unnatural pale. Her eyes were swollen. And she looked goddamn scary.

[Author: Pic at the top depicts Aubrey's weird self]

"Is something wrong with you, Aubrey?"

Completely out of the blue, she held me tight. Her fingernails dug into my skin. Ouch!!

"What on earth is wrong with you?" I roared.

"What were you looking for in my locker, Josh?" she replied in a whisper.

"Well, ummm, it was nothing."

"Tell you what Josh, why don't you come with me and I show you a real good time in the bathroom? I can tell you're saving yourself. Why save when I can offer so much? Let's get those clothes off now, shall we?"

With these words, she started stripping down and pulling hard on my shirt and jeans. She then pressed her lips against mine and mashed her lips so strong that I wasn't left any breathing space. I was gasping for breath.

"Never hit a woman, never hit a woman," I constantly reminded myself.. Shit! I'm so chivalrous!! Sometimes I hate myself for my habits!

Alright, now this was too much. She tore off my shirt. With a.... dagger, was it?

"Oooh, fine flesh." She was now getting on top of me. I didn't even realise I had fallen down on the floor.

I somehow managed to get the shirt wrapped around better and put on my jacket and zipped it down to its end.

Finally I had enough! Before she could progress any further, I gathered up the courage to push her off me. Of course, she's no match for me, even with a dagger. Hell, 10 men aren't even enough for me sometimes. But my senses just kinda went out of order from her touch. It wasn't electric at all like I felt when Bree touched me. It was of a ghastly nature.

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